The How-To of Connecting to Your Guides is Unique to Each and Every One of Us.
Some of us will feel into it, some of us will dream it, and yet others will intellectualize it.
After several years of helping people connect to their guides, I’ve witnessed that each of us is different in how we connect but that there’s one commonality we all share — we all desire to love and be loved.
If you keep this simple fact in mind, that love is the common factor among all of us, human and spirit alike, then you will go far in your connection process. The more open-hearted you are to your guides, the more you will receive their love in kind.
Everyone has spirit guides. How your guides show up and work with you will be unique to you. You can have many different types of beings on your spirit team. Most everyone has primary life guides who are with you for life and hold what I call your soul blueprint. Then there are guides who can come in and out of your life for specific purposes. I call these teacher/helper/joy guides.
Many of you will also feel strongly connected to animal guides I call power animals. Your higher self is also a part of your spirit team, and many of you will feel a strong connection to this part of yourself. There are also those of you who will have an affinity with angel guides including archangels. And then some of you will feel drawn towards working with deities/gods/goddesses and ascended masters. Ancestors and loved ones in spirit also have a place on your spirit team if you feel specifically drawn to them.
You can have a real, tangible connection with your guides. They are your soul family and friends, after all! They’ve known you before you ever came here and remember other lifetimes you’ve shared with them. The door is always open to them. All you have to do is walk through it.
So what are you waiting for? Get to connecting!
Below, you’ll find videos and articles to help you along your spirit guide connection journey. If you haven’t yet, also sign up to receive exclusive access to my video Connect to Your Spirit Guides Using These 7 Practices + special channeling with my guide Archie!
Are you ready to connect with your soul self and embrace your intuitive power with me as your Soul Guide? Learn more about working with me.
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Understanding Spirit Guides: Connecting with Your Spirit Helpers

Vanessa’s Masterclass on Intuition and spirit guides

Connecting with Your Spirit Guides - Vanessa’s story
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