10 Facts About Spirit Guides

Imagine having a team of unseen allies, always by your side, offering wisdom, guidance, and unwavering support as you navigate the twists and turns of life. These are your spirit guides, compassionate beings who have been with you since the moment you took your first breath. Whether you're aware of their presence or not, they are constantly working behind the scenes to help you stay aligned with your soul’s purpose. In this post, we'll explore 10 fascinating facts about spirit guides that will deepen your understanding of how they work and how you can connect with their loving energy. Ready to discover more about your spiritual support team? Let’s dive in!

Pink and blue journal with cover image of an angel and the word spirit guides on it with overlay words saying 10 facts about spirit guides

Spirit Guide Facts 1-10

  1. They always come when they're called.

  2. They never leave your side.

  3. They feel your pain and joy just as strongly as you do.

  4. They are always compassionate and never judgmental.

  5. They love to see you happy and work to help you follow the life plan you set up with them before incarnating. It’s wise to take their guidance into consideration and pay attention to their intuitive nudges.

  6. When you're sad or upset, it can be harder to hear them and see their signs because you're totally focused on your pain. It's best to call for them and ask for their advice when you are more clear-headed.

  7. If you don't hear your spirit guides, don't fret. You can receive their messages in your dreams and signs in your everyday life through synchronicities, numbers, billboards, and overhearing snippets of conversation. Pay attention to what catches your eye. This is how spirit guides communicate with you!

  8. Spirit guides undergo extensive training to be in their position. When first asked to be a spirit guide, they must be at a specific vibration, which is usually one of compassion and love. Reaching this level of compassion and love comes after lifetimes of learning how best to hold this vibration while incarnated on Earth, as it can be very difficult to do in such a dense place.

  9. Spirit guides are masters of patience. While they may get a bit frustrated at times, it is never with YOU but with themselves, as they may struggle at times to find the best way to guide you to where you wanted to be when you set up your life plan with them.

  10. Most spirit guides have a great sense of humor. They understand the difficulties of Earth life because most of them survived it themselves. While they may give you a kick in the butt sometimes, it is more out of humor than it is a chastisement.

Your spirit guides are always with you—supporting, guiding, and cheering you on as you walk your unique path. They are patient, loving, and eager to help you follow the life plan you created together. By staying open to their signs, listening for their subtle nudges, and calling on them when you need clarity, you can strengthen your connection to these incredible beings. Remember, they want nothing more than to see you thrive. So, trust in their wisdom, open your heart, and embrace their guidance. The more you connect with your spirit guides, the more empowered and aligned your life will become.

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Two people sit next together before a view of the ocean through a window with text overlay Connect to Your Guides

Connect to Your Guides


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