Conversations with an Angel: How Are Humans and Angels Alike?
/In my last blog post, Angels Are Not So Different Than Us, I discussed angels having emotions. Before I received that information from the angelic realm, I had always read in popular angel literature that angels have no emotions and that they were separate from us — that having emotions was more about the human condition than the angelic one. However, I would often read that angels would celebrate in joy, so that led me to think that they must experience emotions.
I recently read an article about a boy who accidentally recorded a pack of javelinas in Arizona returning and sitting with a fallen member of their herd over a period of ten days. Researchers are so excited that this video proves to many that animals have emotions and they grieve as we do. I have read many articles like this one over the years but yet it is still not widely accepted around the world that animals have emotions as we do.
It was after reading this article and thinking about what the angels have been telling me that I had the thought if animals aren’t as separate from humans as we think they are, then humans are not so separate from angels, after all. This is what prompted the conversation between me and my angel friend below where I expand on this concept of angels having emotions like us.
V: So, just now, I read about javelinas being recorded while they are grieving and we know that animals have feelings and emotions... so that leads me to think that if animals and humans grieve, and if humans and angels are alike, does that mean that angels grieve? Or do they not have to grieve ONLY because of where they are at — feeling NO separation from love and from Source. Is there ever a situation in which someone on the Other Side might grieve?
A: Not exactly. No. Grieve is not the right word. MISS would be the right word.
V: So people on the Other Side MISS?
A: Yes. They miss their loved ones still here on this side of things — Earth. They miss those that are incarnated that they have known in other lives. And they miss aspects of themselves that they have been — meaning they miss things about those lifetimes. Now, having said that, they don’t suffer because of their missing these things/people. They just sort of miss them/it for a moment, and then quickly move on. Harboring what would be termed as a negative emotion is almost impossible to do when surrounded with so much love. It’s like being let loose in a chocolate factory and then wondering where your friend went... you probably would only wonder for a second before being distracted by all the lovely chocolate around you just waiting to be gobbled up.
V: Are you trying to make yourselves seem more like us so we will then see ourselves reflected in your grace as angels?
A: Yes and no. Again you are thinking we are playing a trick of the mind — to make you believe something that isn’t true. However, it IS TRUE. You all are angels and just as good or high or positive as we are. You are just not aware of it. That is what we are trying to show.
V: So what about people who say that we are just humanizing these high vibrational beings by putting human attributes on them and that these high vibrational beings are so far and above or separate from the human condition?
A: I would say that people who think and teach those things are misunderstanding a vital concept. And that concept is that you are ALL high vibrational beings. So if you are a high vibrational being, then how can an angel be so far above you and unrelatable? Why? Because they reside in so-called Heaven? Because they are closer to Source? No... none of that is true. All it is... is that they reside in a different frequency or vibrational plane than yours, which is surrounded and engulfed in a state of love so all-encompassing that they KNOW who they are and who they always have been. You, at the moment, do not. All of you are in a state of separation. Now depending on where you are at along your personal spiritual journey, you are either in a further state of separation or you’ve bridged the gap close enough to where you are like just an inch’s worth. And sometimes, many of you experience for a brief moment what it is like over here when you truly connect with who you are — you call this “bliss.”
V: But this idea of angels being non-human and a high vibrational being without ego is so prevalent in our current culture... how can we begin to see angels in that light?
A: Simply by seeing yourselves in that light. When you see yourselves as the true angels you are, then you will see how we angels are just like you... we just exist without a physical body.
V: But how are angels different than the human souls who exist on the Other Side? Would you call human souls also angels?
A: To us, we think of everything as angelic. For all life in the universes has an angelic spark. But for you, you see a difference for you cannot imagine a human soul to be on par with an angel. And why is that? Because you think of angels as an “other.” As something else than what you are... you think of the human condition as lowly — at least lower than that of an angel. No, the only difference is we are over here and you are over there. Just opposite sides of a coin — but we are the same coin.
V: But there is a difference to the energy — at least to what angels feel like versus human souls. Is there a difference? If everyone is angelic then what is the difference between an angelic being and one that is a human soul?
A: No difference. If an angel can incarnate and so does a human soul, then what difference is there? Again, you are thinking of angels as these higher-than beings who never incarnate and don’t relate to humans.
V: You are making me dig here... angels do feel different though.
A: Yes, energetically they do feel different.
V: Is that more for us to tell the difference or is there a difference in beingness?
A: Oh, I like that word “beingness.” That’s a better question. Is there a difference in beingness? Yes, there is. But the feeling that you are attributing to angels is only based on the expansiveness of their energy. When you feel a human soul, you are feeling what’s comparable to a tenth of their energy, which is just a sliver of who they truly are. So, for all you know, you could be talking to an angel or some other being. Just because you think you are talking to a guy named John who died thirty years ago doesn’t mean that John hasn’t existed for eons as all sorts of beings.
V: So John would just be coming through with the energy of John and not the energy of an angel, why?
A: So you can tell the difference. If John wanted to come through to talk to his Aunt Bertha who misses him dearly, he certainly wouldn’t come through as an angel. How would she relate to that? I mean, maybe it would be a nice afterthought that her nephew John has graduated to the ranks of angel but hard for her to accept that he always was and is an angel. All souls are angelic, don’t forget that.
V: I see. So if all souls are angelic, then what are archangels? Is there a difference?
A: Yes. And the only difference is AGE. Yep. That is it.
V: Age? But if time doesn’t exist where angels are, then what difference does age make?
A: Before time didn’t exist, even before the universe as you know it existed, there were a small group of consciously aware beings that branched off the Great One as sparks of thought — you might call them “ideas” — and began life as you know it. These are the so-called archangels. And these archangels are vast. Their energy could encompass an entire universe of their own if it wanted to. They are ancient and wise beings. They know love in its deepest depths and they also know lack of love in its deepest depths. They have traveled and can travel through every dimension and have explored the nether regions.
V: Wait... nether regions? What are those?
A: The regions no one talks about.
V: Are you joking?
A: No. Not really. But I am being trite.
V: Why?
A: To make you think.
V: I see. Are you saying nether regions to make me think of darkness? Like a no-stone-overturned type of thing? Like a void?
A: The mere fact that you think there is any place that is unknown to archangels should show yourself that you think they are limited. And you only think they are limited because you think you, yourself, are limited. But all knowledge and awareness are just as available to you as it is to those great beings you call archangels. They are not gods. You have made them gods in your thinking. They are just like you. You just have to tap into who you are inside and you will see that you are no different.
V: But again, back to how archangels feel energetically... For many of us who can feel archangels, they feel overpowering... even in the feeling of love alone that they bring.
A: Yes. Yes. But they only do that because otherwise, you would feel afraid. Don’t you see? You are afraid of your own power. That’s all they are reflecting to you. If you felt powerful then would you be afraid of an archangel’s power? No. You would greet them like a friend. And some of you do. Those of you who are “in-the-know” and yes, I am winking when I say that.
V: When you say, “in-the-know” who are you talking about exactly?
A: Those who perceive angelic beings and understand them to be truly no different than themselves.
V: Okay... what about those who perceive and connect with angelic beings and think of them as something other, or god-like, or a higher vibrational being?
A: We are not higher vibrational — we exist at a higher vibration. Do you see the difference?
V: So are you saying that if we existed where you are at, we’d also be high vibrational like angels?
A: Yes, exactly. That is what I am saying. The people who refer to us as ‘high vibrational beings who don’t understand humanity because we have never existed as humans’ are making a small misstep. They are not seeing themselves first. This misstep often occurs when people reach out to connect with angels before seeing who they are inside first. We often try to help these people by telling them “You are love.” We hope they then see how they are just like us. The only difference is that we exist here and you exist there.
V: Yes. But I don’t think you often tell people, “You are like us. You are an angel.”
A: Why would we say that? Would you even believe that? Don’t you think it’s better if someone learns that on their own?
V: That could take a lifetime.
A: And so what? If it takes a lifetime, so what? Then that is a lifetime well spent in my opinion.
V: I suppose it’s not a bad thing. And I understand not outright telling someone that. I think that for some of us, it is frustrating.
A: What is frustrating? Not knowing you are an angel?
V: Yes. I guess. Because if we all knew that and understood that about ourselves, the world would be a different place.
A: Well, what do you think you are all doing right now? Playing tiddlywinks?
V: Sometimes it feels like it... like we are going in circles.
A: Humans have been going in circles for ages. It’s what they do. It’s how you learn and grow — by experiencing. No one is going to tell you what to do. No higher power is going to come down and announce it. You all have hearts. Your heart has the answers. Just talk to it. Ask it what is to be done in ANY situation. Is your neighbor being a bit of an ass and you’re not sure what to do? Ask your heart. Is your boss demanding that you work weekends away from your family? Ask your heart what to do. It really is THAT simple. For your heart is your soul. It is your angelic intelligence.
V: If all of us are angels, then what about people who resonate not with angels but more with star-beings (ET races) or with elementals like fairies, elves, unicorns or even Earth beings like whales and other animals?
A: All the same. No, really... it’s all the same. For angels were the first. Then there were stars. Then planets and galaxies and nebulas. Everything popping up here and there as angels are great artists... great creators. They created the heavens, the skies. This Earth that so many of you love. They birthed many cultures, many beings in all shapes and sizes from the tiniest speck of sand to the great beings that span hundreds of yards. I talk this way because even I, as an angel, am in wonder of it all. Even I, who have seen worlds born and destroyed, am in wonder with all I have witnessed... all I have seen and experienced. You see... life is but a blip. All life. Even for the oldest and most ancient angels, their existence is but a blip. They could sit and tell you a story about their existence that would seemingly go on and on, but to them, would be just a blip. All life is relevant. All life is demonstrative. No life is meaningless.
V: When you say “blip,” do you mean in the context of time?
A: I mean it in the way that a burp is like a blip. When you burp, you aren’t expecting it. Not really... maybe if you just drank a soda and you know sooner or later you will burp, but most of the time a burp sneaks up on you, and after, you say to the person next to you, “Excuse me.” You weren’t really expecting it. So in that context, life is unexpected... it just IS. It just happens and always happens with no one’s control. It is what happens.
V: Wow... I can’t believe you just compared life to a burp.
A: Yes, I just did. Quite poetic, don’t you think?
V: So even angels don’t know where all this is going?
A: That’s another question entirely. Do you want to rephrase that?
V: Do angels have an awareness of where their existences are going? Do they have lives? I mean does an archangel just live one long life?
A: No, they do not have an awareness of where they are going as beings... meaning they don’t look into the future and go “Oh, by 2022 I will die and cease to exist.” To them, they just exist.
V: Do archangels have an awareness of being born? I mean, when they first split off from source consciousness?
A: Yes, but only because the first to split off from source consciousness has the memory of splitting off and that memory has spread to all the others who split off from the first.
V: Wait... are you saying the concept of memory didn’t exist in source consciousness?
A: No, it did not. It has no need for memory. It just exists. Everything is happening NOW. What has happened, what is happening and what will happen exists in a time-loop that is never-ending and that is what many of you call the “Akashic Records” but it is not a place, it is all around you and you don't have to do any fancy jumps to get there. All you have to do is close your eyes, take a deep breath and say “NOW” and you are there. The intention is what takes you there. This is how we communicate here. Nothing is far away and we all know who and what we are so nothing is unavailable to us as far as information is concerned.
V: Just to clarify... what do you mean by saying “time-loop” if there is no time?
A: I use that for your benefit to explain how all of time, as you know it, exists in the NOW.
V: So essentially you are saying that knowledge of the future is available to us?
A: Yes, the probable future is. But the future can change. So the answer you may get now could change in 5 minutes. You would essentially have to check in numerous times to really get a straight answer on something so specific. A better way of looking into the future probability of how an event will turn out is to ask in percentages. Like, what percent is this likely to occur? If you feel, hear, or see “30%” then you know the probability of that event going the way you think it might (for example, a future football game’s winning team), then you know it’s probably going to be less of a chance.
V: But then even if the answer is 30%, could it still shift to like 80%?
A: Yes, and that is what is so confounding for so many of you who are trying to tell the future. And that is why you should remain open to the future rather than control it. Take a load off. Breathe. There really is no need... absolutely, seriously, no real need to know the future. Life is meant to be lived. Not controlled.
V: So when someone goes to a medium and asks “Will this happen or how will this happen or when will this happen” — the answer that they are given is meant to do what with?
A: Well, if the medium is a good medium, he/she will say, “I can only give you a probability and right now, the probability is 30%.”
V: Okay, then what about people who for sure receive information from spirit that something is definitely going to occur like knowing the sex of a baby in utero?
A: It is usually the soul of the baby who is allowing that information to be transferred. I am not saying that no one can tell the future, what I am saying is that KNOWING the future shouldn’t be your main concern. Living your life should be your main concern. It’s the control and need-to-know that cause so much upset, stress, and worry.
V: So what about people who forewarn others of bad events happening in the future?
A: There is a fine line between forewarning and deliberate scare tactics. If someone is saying things that are putting fear in people’s hearts, then I would caution against following that person’s advice. But if someone is saying it out of love and concern, then perhaps at least take the person’s words into account, ask your heart, and see how YOU feel about the information. Because if there is truth to it, your heart will know. And I said heart, not the mind. Also, if you are naturally a fearful person, it’s going to be harder to hear your heart, so please drop the fear in your nearest toilet before asking your heart anything.
V: That made me laugh.
A: Yes, because this shouldn’t be taken so seriously. There are so many things to do on Earth and with your lives. Why are you all so serious?
V: Good question. I don’t understand all the fear-based misinformation either. I think it just makes us all continue to feel small and play small with our lives.
A: Yes! It keeps you limited. But you see, if you already feel limited and afraid then that information is going to resonate with you. And you will find yourself believing it. Until you, hopefully, wake up one day and see that, NO the world didn’t blow up, and people aren’t trying to harm you. That you do have the ability to create your life and change it if you wish to do so. For some of you, that change may be harder than others, but you can do it. None of you are slated to live a meager existence of struggle and self-containment. You can break free and change your life. You just have to make the first step.
V: What about people who are born into poverty and seemingly have no way out of that... can they change?
A: Many of those people never have the chance to become aware that they can because no one ever tells them they can. And that is because the people around them also don’t know. So for a child born into poverty, its parents have also existed in poverty and know no difference. So to them, this is the way it’s been and always has been.
V: And what if they become aware and think, “I’d like to have a different life.”?
A: It depends on where they are at mentally, physically, and emotionally, and whether they can act on that desire. Many of them are too afraid to act on their desires because the odds seem insurmountable and others are in no physical health to act on their desires. They are too malnourished or weak to do so.
V: What would be the meaning behind such a life then? A life in which someone could not change it if they wanted to?
A: A life is a life, and every life is a good life. We do not judge and nor should you. But you do. And even when you come home (cross-over), you still do — but it is your own life you judge then, not others’ lives.
V: Are you saying that someone who incarnated in that kind of life is not a bad thing?
A: A life in abject poverty is not such a bad life. Many souls have incarnated into such lifetimes to experience that. Yes, that was actually their wish. There is no sense of struggle in this existence over here. We know no strife or sense of poverty or starvation. We only know peace, bliss, and love. We may feel what you would term “negative” emotions such as grief, anger, perhaps even hate for just a moment but then it dissipates.
V: Wait... you feel “hate”?
A: Only but for a moment.
V: When?
A: When something happens on the Earth plane that we hate to see. And then after, we feel a sense of sadness, perhaps even grief for we all know the pain that these events leave behind them. But we also see how this pain will transform and hopefully educate.
V: So you allow painful events to happen?
A: We do not control the Earth plane. No one does. There is no one back here controlling the scenery like the great Wizard of Oz. You all are making the choices again and again. And sometimes those choices lead to peace and harmony and sometimes to death and destruction. But again, we don’t judge however it goes because even death and destruction can lead to hope and new beginnings.
V: So life on Earth is like one big cycle then?
A: In a way, yes. There have been many thousands of years of human existence on your planet and so many choices have been made.
V: So why do we choose war and death over and over again?
A: Simply because you don’t yet know who you truly are.
V: Then why don’t we?
A: The time will come. But for now, it is as it should be and slowly things will change as more and more choose to know.
V: But what about those souls who are here to not know who they are?
A: You don’t need to know that you are a divine being to choose love over war.
V: But you just said that we don’t know who we truly are and that’s why we choose war and death.
A: Yes, I said, “Who you truly are.” And I meant that you don’t know who you are inside. If you did, and you were okay with who you are, then you wouldn’t feel small and insecure and fearful enough to start a war. Do you need to know you are a divine being and that you are essentially an angel to not start a war? No, you need to know simply that you are a human and that person over there is a human and you don’t have any need to kill them.
V: Okay. I see what you are saying. Yeah, we have not come to that point yet. So it’s not really even about people becoming “spiritually awake,” it’s actually more about people getting connected with their hearts, inner selves, and knowing that we are all just humans trying to live.
A: Yes.
V: We are so not there yet.
A: But have hope. Because love is powerful and it spreads faster than pestilence and greed. There will always be those who desire ill will towards others as long as hearts are closed. This is why it is so important to love each other no matter what is different because difference is just perception. As souls, you are all from the same source. We don’t see difference here.
V: Do you have any final thoughts you’d like to share?
A: I want you all to know that we, angels, see YOU. We see you as you really are and we love you. You are one of us and we are you. Know that. Feel that, if you can. We know it can be difficult because no one has ever told you this. But all of you are great beings of light and you can shine in this world. Your light is needed. In even the most simplest of ways. You don’t know just how much you all affect each other. Just a simple “Hello” or even a smile can do wonders. Live your life with fullness and find your way to love. If you can, find the fastest highway to love because there is no need to be stuck in traffic for 3 hours! There is always another way even if you can’t see it yet.
You may enjoy this article’s companion piece: Angels Are Not So Different Than Us
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