• How do you connect to spirit during your sessions? I am clairvoyant (clear seeing), clairaudient (clear hearing), and clairsentient (clear feeling). I connect to spirit during my sessions using these three clairs and via conscious channeling (I do not go into a trance state). Much like a typical mediumship reading, spirit comes forward and shares their messages with me that I, then, convey back to you. At times, I also allow spirit to directly channel their message through me vocally so I can relay exactly the words they are using. I prefer a conversational style in my sessions where you and your questions are very much part of the process. This is not just about me giving you messages. It’s about both of us conversing with spirit together β€” it is a co-creation. Think of it like going out for coffee with a friend and chatting. That is what it is like for me to speak with spirit and it is what I enjoy doing with my clients.

  • Do I need to provide questions for you to ask spirit before my session? You do not need to provide me with the exact questions you have for spirit before our session together unless it is a distance email session (a question is optional). I trust spirit will have the guidance you need to hear during your session. Be aware that questions that are of the "should I do this or that" variety, typically don't get answered by spirit as this violates your free will. Many clients find that the information spirit does share with them in their session actually fulfills their questions without actually telling them what to do; instead, spirit will advise them on what would be aligned with their highest purpose. I share with you any guidance spirit feels is the most important for you to know at present time. If you are a new client, you are welcome to email me first before booking and ask me any questions you have about me and how I work with spirit.

  • Can I purchase a session for a friend or loved one? I recommend referring them to me first rather than surprising them with a session. In order for me to fully connect with a person's energy frequency (and their guides), I need their FULL knowledge and permission to do so. I prefer to speak to new clients first who many not be familiar with me and how I work before booking so they will be comfortable with connecting to spirit if they have not done so before.