How to Trust Your Spirit Guide Connection
/Not trusting your connection to your spirit team makes the entire process of actually connecting so difficult!
It’s easy for someone to tell you, “Hey, just trust it and go with the flow.”
“How can I trust in something so weird, so strange, so out-of-this-world that it’s not taught in school or even widely accepted by society? How can I even do THIS?” you ask.
This might be you — you’ve just taken a class, did a meditation, or read a book on meeting your guides and you’re feeling really positive about the whole connecting-with-your-guides thing. Maybe you saw a vision of your guide during meditation, received a sign from them, or even just sensed a feeling of them around you.
All these good vibes have got you powered up and bopping along when WHAM! doubt suddenly steps in through the front door and slaps you across the face.
That positive vibe you had going bottoms out and you begin to question everything. You cut any progress you've made in your connection process by doubting the reality of all of it. And that little voice in your head starts yapping away, "It's not real, you know...blah, blah, blah.” On and on it goes until you start to believe it.
Suddenly, you get a sign!
You see double digit numbers or a book pops open right to a page about guides, or someone mentions something about guides, and you start wondering and trying again.
This is what I call the Doubt Cycle.
This process can go on and on. Could even go on for years, back and forth. And you never get to that place of fully accepting that it's all real. Your reality doesn't match up. Your friends, loved ones, the people you work with every day — none of them talk about it or experience it. You feel alone. But there's still that spark inside you that wants to know more.
So you go searching... On the Internet. In private Facebook groups. In bookstores.
Every time you go through this cycle and doubt your connection, you lower your vibration and essentially shut off your connection to your guides. When this happens, your spirit team desperately tries to reassure you with signs.
But like before, you ignore them. Explain them away. Maybe you even walk away from any further exploration for months and years, only to come back to it again sometime later. Still curious. Still desiring a connection. You can feel it in the depths of your heart and soul that there is something more. You feel driven. And your guides are still there, patiently waiting for you to say, “Hello.”
Many of us experienced spiritual shut-down in our childhood.
We doubt so much. Part of it is ingrained in us from when we were children. Many of us can remember having spiritual experiences when we were still open to it as kids. This is when our connection to spirit was just a natural part of us.
For many of you, your parents told you your childhood experiences weren’t real. They didn't find it so amusing anymore, as they once did, that you insisted your imaginary friend get a seat at the dinner table. What was cute when you were 4 was no longer as cute at age 9. “It's time to grow up now,” they told you. “Time to stop playing games,” they said. You might have even experienced your friends getting in on the shaming thing and made fun of you too. So you shut down. Shut it off. Over time, you even forgot about it. You never realized that you were actually talking to your guides all along back then.
You can still heal your past shame and spiritual shut-down.
Opening back up requires a lot of healing, especially of inner child wounds. Because of your negative childhood experiences, you might be struggling with feelings of low self-worth and powerlessness. You don’t feel strong nor do you have a strong sense of self.
Connecting to your guides is not about your head; it is all about your heart and opening up your heart space. But for many of you, you’ve kept that part of yourself protected for so many years mainly due to the rejection you faced as a child.
You need to go back. Start over, in a sense. Go back to that little kid inside of you and teach them that is okay to feel this way — to feel connected to all that is. To your inner divinity. To know who you are and stand tall in that. To reconnect with your friends from home — your spirit team.
These are beings who knew you long before you were a human. They know everything that you are and encompass. The incredible being that you truly are.
You are so much more!
You are more than your human self. So much more than the role you are playing here on Earth — what job you have, whether you are a parent, how much money you make, where you live, your belief system — you are so much more than these labels! Your spirit stretches so far and wide as to not be counted by any measure of distance that we know of. It can encompass whole worlds, galaxies, even the universe!
It's when you connect to this part of yourself that you realize the breadth of who you really are. You awaken to see the truth of it all. Once you do, It changes your perspective on everything: your entire life and being-ness. It can be jarring for some; liberating for others. Take it in stride. Your spirit team is along with you for the ride. You can turn to them during this time of transition. They will help guide you along the way.
Finding balance is so important at this time.
Once you become aware of this expanded sense of yourself, you may find it hard to balance this new identity with the world you currently live in. You have difficulty going about life in the same way you did before. This is understandable. Be gentle with yourself and continue on with your exploration, your self-realization, and your connection with your inner divinity and your spirit team.
It takes time to find balance with this. You don't have to do it all in one go. Build that connection step-by-step. The key is not to give up, not to waffle. Trust that your guides are with you. Stand tall in your self-truth. Don't let anyone's words to the contrary tear you down.
Live by example. You don't have to impose your newfound truths onto others to feel secure. Let them have their own journey. You stay true to yours. It is often the case, that when they see how you have changed for the better that they will come along for the ride. Their curiosity is piqued. But if they become contrary and rail against you, it is time to reevaluate the benefit of that relationship and create strong boundaries for the sake of your own mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
This entire process takes time. It's such an involved process that it would take so much more than a blog post to write about. You could write an entire series of books about how to connect to your inner self, heal yourself, and connect with your spirit team. There are tons of really great books out there. Find some, explore, and follow your inner guidance. Find what resonates with you. Walk your spiritual path. Come into your own power. Find your truth.
Just ask and then TRUST!
it is safe to trust your connection to your spirit guides
Your team will be with your every step of the way. You can ask for their help in finding what you need and in helping you heal. Don't hesitate to ask. No matter how big or small the request — ASK. You are not a burden to your guides. This is not a conditional relationship like what you so often experience with others in your life. It is unconditional. ASK and they will help you.
Once you ask, slow down, and wait. Listen and look for their guidance. Because it will be there. It may not be in the way you expect, but it will show up. Sometimes in the most surprising of ways. Often it is subtle, personal, and quiet. Other times, it flashes right before your face in the form of a huge sign.
Pay attention and TRUST. That's a big one — TRUST. When you do get that sign, don't write it off, write it down! Don't doubt it. Take it to heart. And keep doing this until your trust in your spirit team no longer wavers. Until your trust in who you truly are no longer drops into periods of doubt. Until you KNOW, FEEL, and STAND STRONG in the truth of who you truly are and no one can tell you any different.
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