High Vibration versus Low Vibration: What's the difference?
/Many of us get confused when it comes to comparing high vibration to low vibration, which is natural because we live in a world of both extremes. While many members of the spiritual community label anything low vibrational as bad, it really isn't when you look at the vibrational spectrum as a whole.
Low vibrational energy actually helps to push energy up the spectrum to a higher vibration.
Here's a metaphorical analogy that shows how low vibrational energy can be beneficial:
Sue takes a short cut to work because if she's late one more time, her boss said he'd dock her pay. But the short cut is through a murky alley and Sue ends up falling in a puddle, twisting her ankle, and then getting mugged. She never goes down that alley again after that. She even tells everyone she knows, "Don't go down that freakin' alley; it's scary!" Matter of fact, Sue ends up taking a different, longer route to work. On that route, she ends up meeting Georgia who just opened up a cupcake bakery. Sue loves cupcakes! She eats there almost every day and gets to know Georgia. One day, Georgia tells her that business has been so great that she's looking for a business partner to help out. Sue has always dreamed of being a baker and running her own business. She jumps at the chance and puts in notice to leave her unfulfilling job.
Sue's negative experience in the murky, low vibrational alley pushed her to take a different route, which ultimately led her to a career that is more in tune with her own soul's true higher vibration. As many of us would, Sue warns others to avoid the low vibrational alley. While some heed the warning, others choose to go down that alley anyway as it's their free will to do so (and perhaps because they need a bit of a push, too).
The same goes for spirit guides –
just because a guide is at a lower vibration doesn't mean that they are bad.
Many of us go through teams of guides throughout our life who have different vibrational levels to help us with our own changing vibration. As you start vibrating at a higher level, you attract higher guides into your awareness.
This is also true for the other end of the vibration spectrum. A low vibrational frequency will attract a matching low vibrational being and explains why lower vibrational beings tend to be seen the most by people whose energy level is also at a lower vibration.
This is also why, when many of us first open up to spiritual experiences, we may have encounters with earthbound spirits (commonly known as ghosts) or even lower vibrational entities. The same goes for when people are starting to learn how to consciously astral travel and experience scary run-ins with these lower beings. Trust me, the higher your personal vibration level is, the less you will run into lower vibrational beings. This is why it is so important to stay in a higher vibration.
When I say “higher vibration,” I am not talking about being super happy, like a happy clam, with no worries in the world. That is completely unrealistic in the world we live in. It’s also incredibly difficult for many of us to achieve a consistent vibrational level throughout a normal day. Being gentle with yourself and aware of your ups and downs is the best way to go if you are just starting out.
Awareness is the key here.
What keeps people in a low vibration is the utter lack of awareness of the low vibrational state they are in.
You always have free will, which means if you want to explore the lower astral realms and converse with earthbound spirits, you can totally do that; however, I do not recommend doing that if you are new to all of this. If you'd like to know more or need help in this department, there are many psychic mediums who specialize in helping earthbound spirits cross over and other spiritual workers (like shamans) who can transmute lower vibrational energy into higher vibrational energy.
The Spirit Guide Realm has some advice on how to prevent surprise meet-ups with lower vibrational beings from happening:
“It is best to go through a period of healing and connecting with your higher self and spirit guides to help you raise your vibration before attempting astral travel. But many don’t want to do the work and their curiosity propels them forward into esoteric experiences where they get frightened by what they encounter.”
In other words, do the emotional healing work first!
Then go have fun astral traveling or channeling or exploring mediumship. I know…I know. You want to get to the awesome fun stuff now, right? Who, in their right mind, wants to open the door to all their emotional issues? It sucks, but once you’re on the other side of that journey, you will be at such a better emotional place and at a higher vibrational level. When you reach that level, the other spiritual stuff comes easier to you.
This is also true for those of you who are mediums but haven’t fully integrated that part of you, yet. If you are experiencing a multitude of paranormal visits, including ones from lower vibrational beings, then going through a period of emotional healing will help you raise your vibration as well.
Don’t forget that free will also means you have the right to say “No.”
By raising your vibration, setting strong boundaries, and using positive intentions, you will find that your paranormal experiences are equally safe, positive, and high vibrational.
We are ALL intuitive beings. Though mainstream society doesn't officially recognize it, intuition is a part of being human. We use our intuition every day of our lives but just refuse to call it what it is. Instead, we say things like, "I had a gut feeling," or "I just knew it would happen," or "I was just thinking about you before you called!" And then we laugh it off and feel uncomfortable with the idea of it.
Don't dismiss your intuition. It's very natural. It's a part of who you are!
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