Are Spirit Guides Real?
/If you’ve ever wondered if spirit guides are real, then it’s a good chance you’ve already suspected they might be. Perhaps you’ve even felt yours around you. If you need more convincing, read ahead to see what the spirit guide realm has to say.
The short answer to the question, "Are spirit guides real?" is YES, they are absolutely, positively real.
The long answer is where it gets real interesting because it comes straight from the spirit guide realm (um, did someone say channeling?):
“We are very real. We want to help our people. We want them to know us, speak with us, and work with us. We have been waiting for so long, and now the timing is just right for all of you to easily connect with us. It may be harder for some than others, but rest assured, we will meet you half way. All you have to do is be open to us. The path to finding this openness is through the heart. As in all things, the heart is often the path of least resistance. Though many think the opposite, the heart shows us the way. Now, that way may be filled with fear, but that’s just because following the heart challenges you. But do not fear, as the heart will lead you to your true soul’s purpose.”
Let me quickly interject here, for those of you who don't know, I work as a medium between the spirit guide realm and ours. So, you will see A LOT of quotes from spirit guides interspersed throughout my posts – this blog is a team effort, after all.
Let’s get back to the matter at hand – the realness of spirit guides.
I think for a lot of people, it's easier to believe in an afterlife before they can even approach the idea that spirit guides are real entities. Many of us grew up hearing about the concept of an afterlife but had no real proof of it – though, in recent years, written accounts of near-death experiences (NDEs) have increased dramatically.
In addition to an afterlife, those of us who grew up in a Christian home might have been exposed to the concept of angels. But these were all concepts, and when it comes to spirit guides or even angels, it’s all about the experience.
As far as science is concerned, I’m not going to get into a scientific discussion about theories that can be applied to explain the existence of energetic beings (I’ll save that for a more in-depth future post). But if you are curious and want to research that, then go for it, and email me what you find out!
I understand wanting some hardline proof of the existence of spirit guides. I come from an academic background myself where I studied theory out the wazoo and applied the scientific method in field research. And though I tried to view my numerous paranormal experiences through both scientific and psychological lenses, I never did come across a sufficient explanation for what I was going through. Nothing fit.
When I finally stopped doubting this otherworldly information and allowed it into my consciousness, my mind then accepted a completely different level of existence. The excitement of that has yet to wear off.
However, the ability to share this perspective with others is severely limited due to the fact that the majority of mainstream society does not accept this perspective as worthwhile. Of course, I wholeheartedly disagree and see the influence of this multidimensional perspective everywhere I look. I see it in history, art, comedy, music, film, and even in prehistoric cave paintings. It’s been with us this whole time whispering its inspiration. We just don’t want to turn around, take a good look at it, and accept it for what it really is.
Each of us has our own journey when it comes to spirituality.
Mine ended up here, and though it wasn’t easy, I am so glad to be here working with my spirit team and sharing this information with you all.
have you ever wondered if spirit guides are real?
Take the time and open your heart. If it feels right to you, then explore a relationship with your guides. If it doesn’t, then maybe it’s not right for you at this time. I can tell you one thing for sure —
having a relationship with your guides can and will change your life for the better.
Not only do you realize that you’ve had friends with you this whole time, you also gain access to endless amounts of information about yourself, your life, and even how to heal yourself. All you need to do is ask!
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Ever wondered how to ask spirit for signs—and actually get them? Your spirit team is always trying to connect with you… you just need to know how to recognize their whispers. Learn how to: ask for signs, write affirmations that open the door to connection, trust your intuitive nudges, and recognize the loving ways spirit says, “I’m right here.”