Spirit Connection: Dream Visitations
/Do you have spirit visitation dreams? If so, know that they are real. You are visiting your loved one and they are letting you know that they are okay. Please don't dismiss them. If it felt real; if you had an emotional reaction to it—it's real.
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Spirit guides and your loved ones in spirit insert themselves into your dreams. They do this to say “Hello” and let you know they are okay or, in the case of spirit guides, to share a message or jumpstart your spiritual journey. Examining your dreams is an important part of your spiritual journey. This is one of the easiest ways to connect with your spirit guides, your loved ones in spirit, and your divine self.
Dream visitations are usually positive. If you are having a negative dream or even a nightmare about the passing of your loved one, this is most likely about your feelings surrounding their passing than about your loved one’s experience on the Other Side. Spirit guide visitation dreams are also usually positive. However, if you are repeatedly dreaming about an animal that instills fear in you, for example, being chased by a black bear, I encourage you to research power animals and shamanic dreams. The animal chasing you may be trying to tell you not to be afraid and accept the energy they are trying to share with you. This is more of a healing dream as well as encouraging you to step up your spiritual development.
To understand more about animal symbology, I recommend the book, Animal Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small by Ted Andrews.
“When you dream of your loved ones in Spirit and the dream seems real, clear, tangible, uplifting and healing, cherish it, because you have experienced ‘dreamiumship.’”
In her book, The Medium in Manolos: A Life-Affirming Guide to Modern Mediumship, Psychic Medium Lauren Robertson talks about spirit dream visitations and says that if you are having them, you have the ability to be a medium, hence her term “dreamiumship” (I love this term!). I totally agree with her. We are all mediums to some degree. Some of us become professionals and some of us keep it on the down low. Communicating with spirit is a natural part of who we are because we are ALL spirit beings. We just happen to be in physical form right now checking out life on Earth.
How to ask spirit to visit you in your dreams
The very first step is to acknowledge that you do have spirit guides and loved ones in spirit who unconditionally love and support you. Say “Hello” to them right now in your mind and tell them you are ready to connect in a more conscious and deeper way. Then watch for signs to start popping up both in your waking life and in your dreams.
How to remember your dream visitations
Before falling asleep, set an intention of what kind of dream you want — a visit with your spirit guides, angels, or loved ones in spirit. Then say an affirmation to yourself like, “I will remember my dreams upon waking.” Try this method consecutively for seven nights and see how it impacts your dream memory in the morning.
Spirit often inserts themselves into a dream you are already having. They do this to be subtle and not to wake you with a shock. For example, say you are dreaming about relaxing on a beach. Then someone walks up to you and says, “Hello.” You immediately recognize this person as a loved one, or in the case of a spirit guide, you feel as if you know the person but can’t place where or when you met them. Overall, you feel comfortable and it’s just like an ordinary day. You may or may not become lucid in the dream, meaning you may realize that you are dreaming and this is a spirit visitation, or you will just enjoy the dream as it is without being conscious of what is happening. Both of these experiences are valid and represent true dream visitations.
When you first wake up, stay in the exact same position. Do not move! Immediately visualize the dream you just woke up from, and try to mentally remember your dream starting from what you last remember and then traveling back to the beginning of the dream as if rewinding a movie. You can imagine yourself grabbing hold of the last memory remnant of the dream like a cord in your imagination. Then follow the cord back into the dream. Just relax, breathe, and don't try too hard — allow the imagery to come into your mind rather than forcing it. Follow the cord and see what else pops up in your memory. Try to remember as much as you can. Once you feel confident that you've remembered the majority of your dream, you can then move and write down your memories. Doing this consistently will help train your mind to remember more of your dreams. You can even remember more than one dream by continually traveling backward in your mind to previous dreams. It just takes continual practice.
Keep a dream journal
Having a dream journal next to your bed is immensely helpful. If writing your dreams down is too cumbersome, try using your phone’s notes app or recording a voice memo.
Having a record of your dream visitations can show you when they typically occur and perhaps even why at those particular times. Do they happen after you’ve asked for them or when something important is happening in your life? Ask yourself these types of questions as you move forward. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different ways of sleeping or bedtimes. The key is to be consistent with your methodology once you find what works best for you.
Practice gratitude for your dream visitations
Don’t forget to acknowledge the spirit guide or loved one who came through. Talk to them. Tell them how happy and thankful you are they came through. Once you accept these dream visitations as real and lift your skepticism, you'll find they happen to you more often.
To learn more about dreamwork and understanding dream symbology, I recommend reading Conscious Dreaming: A Spiritual Path for Everyday Life by Robert Moss.
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