Let the Love In

Let the Love In

When we go seeking for love, it often escapes us. We may grasp onto it, holding it tight for a second, and then it flits away as fast as it came. Don’t hold on so tight, the guides say. There is so much love that surrounds us. If we could only open our hearts and receive this love, we wouldn’t need to strive so hard to obtain it.

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Angels Are Not So Different Than Us

Angels Are Not So Different Than Us

Angels are not the Other — what that means is they are not so different than us. We tend to think of angels as these very high vibrational celestial beings who are so far above us that they are untouchable and unreachable — even, in a sense, better than us. But that is way more about the judgment we hold for ourselves and all of humanity than it is about what angels really are. For angels are actually more like us than we think.

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