Channeling Spirit: What Is It and How To Do It

Channeling is a form of communication used by the mind to connect with other minds. Now, the definition being used here of the word mind is more in line with the entire energy of the mind. Don’t think of a brain. Think of everything that constitutes the mind of a person — their personality, their identity, their entire life history, their feelings, and thoughts. This can also be referred to as the psyche.

Artistic rendering of a girl journaling in a fantasy landscape with text overlay channeling spirit what is it and how to do it

Channeling is a Natural Part of Who You Are

Think of a woman sitting down at a desk. She has a task to do. This woman is in college and needs to write a paper about 18th-century music composers. She has her books and internet references at the ready but is having a hard time focusing on them. Instead, she feels inspired to listen to classical music from that period and as she listens, it gets her mind in a relaxed, open state. She begins to write and the words for her paper flow easily out of her mind. She feels as though she is in a fluid, connected state, almost meditative. She finishes writing one page and begins another. She is not aware of the time and when she finally looks at the clock, she realizes an hour has passed when, to her, it only felt like fifteen minutes at the most.

The above example is what could be termed as a telepathic state. This is the state in which a person goes into in order to channel spirit. Channeling is just another form of what we all have felt at some point in our lives and often refer to as feeling inspired or being in the moment. When we paint, write, compose music, create a new recipe, design a garden — these are all ways in which we channel. We just don’t call it that.

The only difference between someone who is cooking an inspired dish with their late grandmother in mind and a person channeling spirit in a conversational context is that the person channeling spirit is consciously aware that they are communicating with the mind of spirit. Having said that, it’s entirely possible to be conscious of being inspired by spirit, such as in the case of cooking alongside a late family member — you just have to overcome any beliefs you have that are stopping you from seeing the validity of it.

Channeling is Becoming More Mainstream

As channeling spirit becomes more mainstream and accepted by society, you will find many more people admitting to their own communications with spirit. Channeling is not limited only to mediums or spiritual practitioners. Channeling is a part of who you are as a human being. It’s actually a very natural process inherent to your mind. Anyone can channel and does! The only thing you must learn is to be aware that spirit is always around you wanting to communicate, help, and inspire. So the next time you would like to channel spirit, set an intention and see what comes of it. Are you painting a picture and would like Vincent van Gogh’s help? All you must do is ask in your mind — you can ask out loud, too, but many of you might not be so comfortable with that at first.

The more comfortable you become with spirit being a natural part of life here on Earth and know that you are a spirit having a human experience, you will begin to see channeling as a part of who you are. There is nothing to be afraid of. If you focus your heart and mind on love and not fear, and drop any fear-based belief systems you may be carrying, then channeling will seem like just another way to keep in touch with all that is — whether you want to call it the Great Spirit, Source, God, Buddha, Krishna, Higher Self, and so on.

Channeling is also a wonderful way to keep in touch with those you love who are now on the Other Side. Any being who now resides in spirit is available to channel. This includes your guardian angels and spirit guides as well.

Becoming Aware of Your Soul Self

In order to learn how to channel, you must become aware of who and what you are as a soul. You must acknowledge, first and foremost, that you are a spirit in a human body and that life exists after death. If you are not fully connected with this truth, then you will find it difficult to believe you are actually communicating with spirit. Your mind will constantly doubt the process.

It may take some time, through studying and learning more about who you actually are, before you can step right into channeling a specific spirit. Instead, get more comfortable with asking your angels, spirit guides, and your loved ones on the Other Side to help you create a picture, write a song, or plant a garden — anything that you truly enjoy doing. As you are doing this activity, remain open and aware of any feelings of spirit around you. As you continue this process and begin to see that, yes, spirit exists and you are so much more than just a human, you will find yourself more easily accepting of channeling spirit directly via telepathic conversation.

Different Forms of Channeling: Telepathic Channeling and Automatic Writing

Telepathic channeling and automatic writing are two different methods of connecting with spirit or higher consciousness. In telepathic channeling, information, messages, and guidance are received and transmitted through the mind. You consciously allow your own thoughts and ego to step aside, creating space for spirit to communicate to you. This can be done through focused meditation or altered states of consciousness. Telepathic channeling allows for a dynamic and interactive conversation with spirit, often involving questions and answers, dialogue, and a sense of collaboration.

Where telepathic channeling is about direct mental communication, automatic writing involves the physical act of writing or typing where spirit often guides your hands. You, as the channel, act as a vessel or instrument through which the messages flow onto paper or a digital medium. During automatic writing, you relax your conscious mind and allow the information to flow freely. The writing may appear as handwriting that is different from your own or as typing on a keyboard without conscious thought. Automatic writing can be done alone or in a group setting, and it often involves a state of focused receptivity and surrender to the process.

Many intuitive channelers use a blend of automatic writing and telepathic channeling in their work. There are other more involved states of channeling, like trance channeling, which allows spirit to merge with your energy and speak through you or even physically move. This article only focuses on the more basic forms of channeling that most people can do quite easily with focused intention and some effort to learn.

Telepathic Channeling: Step-by-Step Method

Telepathic channeling is a form of communication with the spiritual realm, and it involves opening yourself up to receive messages from spirit guides, angels, or your loved ones in spirit. Here are some beginning steps you can take to develop this skill:

  1. Preparation: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body and mind.

  2. Protection: Depending on where you are at in your spiritual connection journey and what your belief system is, you may find imagining a white light surrounding your body and asking your guides or angels to protect you during the session a helpful practice. As you develop your channeling practice, you may find this step continually helpful or unnecessary as you begin to feel safe connecting with spirit.

  3. Intention: Set a clear intention to receive messages from your spirit guides, angels, or a specific loved one in spirit.

  4. Opening: Imagine your heart blossoming outwards like a big lotus flower surrounding you with love as your auric energy expands outside you like a globe of positive energy. Move your focus up to your ears, and imagine them tuning in as if you have two big cones of verve on either side. Then focus on your third eye (the space between your eyebrows) and imagine it opening like a door or a window. This helps you open up your intuitive senses to receive messages telepathically.

  5. Inviting spirit: Call out to those in spirit you desire to connect with, mentally or out loud, and invite them to communicate with you. You can use a specific name or a general term like "my spirit guides."

  6. Receiving: Ask spirit your questions and be receptive to any messages, images, or sensations that come to you in whatever form they come. Don't try to analyze or judge them, just allow them to flow.

  7. Responding: If you receive a message or a feeling, respond to it mentally or out loud. Thank spirit for communicating with you and ask for more clarification if needed.

  8. Closing: When you feel ready to end the session, imagine the energy centers you opened up now closing down and tuning out. Feel your energy now relaxing and softly encasing your body once again. Thank spirit again for communicating with you, and if you created a white light surrounding you in the beginning, imagine it now dissipating.

Remember that telepathic channeling is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. Be patient with yourself and keep practicing regularly. You will find that over time, you will develop your own connection method to receive guidance from spirit.

Automatic Writing: Step-by-Step Method

Automatic writing is a technique used to connect with your higher consciousness or your spirit guides to receive messages and guidance. Here is a step-by-step method to help you get started with automatic writing:

  1. Set your intention: Before starting the automatic writing process, set your intention to connect with your spirit guides or receive guidance from your higher self.

  2. Find a quiet and comfortable place: Sit in a quiet and comfortable place where you can focus without any distractions.

  3. Relax your mind and body: Take a few deep breaths to relax your mind and body. You may also want to visualize a white light surrounding you for protection if you’re feeling any trepidation about connecting to spirit.

  4. Hold your pen: Hold your pen with your dominant hand touching the tip of your pen onto the paper.

  5. Ask for guidance: Ask your spirit guides or higher self a question or for guidance on a specific topic. Focus on your intention and be open to receiving the answer.

  6. Start writing: Begin writing whatever comes to your mind without editing or judging. Let the words flow freely, even if they don't make sense at first.

  7. Keep writing until you feel complete: Continue writing until you feel like you have received the answer you were seeking or until you feel complete.

  8. Review your writing: Once you are finished, review what you have written. Look for any patterns, symbols, or messages that stand out to you.

  9. Trust your intuition: Trust your intuition and the messages you receive during the automatic writing process. Don't second-guess yourself or doubt the information you receive.

  10. Practice regularly: Practice automatic writing regularly to improve your connection with your spirit guides and your ability to receive guidance.

Remember, automatic writing is a personal and unique experience. It may take some practice to get comfortable with the process, but over time, you may find it to be a valuable tool for receiving guidance and connecting with your higher self.

As you grow more comfortable in your intuitive skills and connection with spirit, you will find that conversations with spirit will become easier for you. Remember, this is a process, and for some of you, can take some time. With intention and commitment, you, too, can learn to grow closer with spirit including your dearly missed loved ones in spirit. All it takes is love, openness, joy, curiosity and a huge dose of inspired imagination to get there!

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