Spirit Guide Connection Tip: Believe

A big part of connecting to your spirit guides is about belief. If you believe you can, you will. If you believe it’s easy, it will be. If you believe in their love for you, you will feel it.

Starry night sky with text overlay Believe on a while background

So, that sounds great and all, but how do you get to that point?

Well, you have to believe in yourself. In who you are. In your soul.

How do you do that? There’s many ways. Find the best way for you. For some, it’s getting real quiet and going within. You can do it on a mountaintop, in a forest, or in your own living room. Do you have to meditate? Not necessarily. But do start a conversation with your inner self. Really explore the hidden depths that are inside you. Don’t be afraid.

It also helps to be incredibly open. Open to new experiences. To a new way of looking at life, this world, and who you are.

Get in touch with your heart.

The heart knows no fear.

The fear is in your mind. So is the doubt. The heart is brave and adventurous. Always willing to dive the deepest depths and soar through the highest highs.

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Two people sit next together before a view of the ocean through a window with text overlay Connect to Your Guides Learn More

Connect to Your Guides


Vanessa Stewart Soul Guide

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