Spirit Connection: Songs That Make Us Time Travel

Has spirit ever introduced you to a song that you’ve never heard before and don’t quite particularly like at the beginning of listening to it, but it slowly grows on you, and after subsequent listens, you start to feel inspired AF by that song? Well, that’s been me and the song “Vienna” by the 1980s British New Wave band Ultravox.

Give it a listen…


Ultravox - Vienna (Official music video)


My main man in spirit, Z, introduced me to this song. He shared with me his love for it and how it has inspired him. (Who is Z? Read his channeled nuggets of wisdom.)

We listen to songs to time travel

You know how there are those songs from your life that you listen to and they take you right back to that moment in time, whether it was a pleasant moment or a heartbreaking one, and you listen to it over and over reveling in the nostalgia? Did you know that in a sense, your energy, your consciousness is time traveling? Yep, you sure are! No Tardis needed!

Text overlay songs that make us time travel on a purple white background

Every moment in time, every song that’s ever been sung is recorded in the Akashic field. When you listen to a song that meant very much to you at one time in your life, you are traveling back through the akashic field reliving that moment in real-time. If you fully release yourself to the experience, you might even feel the physical effects of your time traveling — feeling young again, wanting to dance like you did when you were 13, feeling like a long drive through the country like you used to — when none of these things are part of your current life. (In my opinion though, they should be. Keep that inner young self alive and well, people. It does a world of good.)

We listen to songs to heal ourselves

Perhaps there is a song that you listened to over and over after your first heartbreak. Maybe it was when your very first crush in grade school did not return your affections and it broke your young heart. And when you went home, you cried your little heart out to a specific song like Ultravox’s “Vienna” (which Z and I feel is all about unrequited love), and that song, played on repeat, helped to heal you. 

That same song can help heal you now. If you were able to heal then, you can utilize the power of that moment in the past and listen to that same song now to heal yourself in the now. Time exists all at once. So the healing technique that you created for yourself then can be utilized at any moment whether past, present, or future. 

For some of you, you may be going through what’s often termed a “mid-life crisis” or for those of you in your 20s, a quarter-life crisis, and feel somewhat unsure of yourself. Perhaps you are thinking of changing careers and you’re too scared to do it or you’re feeling just not yourself overall. Going back in time, to those old songs of your youth can help you remember who you truly are. It can be the case, that who you were then is more like your true soul self than the person you have become as an adult. A trip back in time listening to those old songs can be very healing and bring you back “home” to yourself.

A rearview of a DeLorean classic car

You don’t need a delorean to time travel, just the right song


So, what are you waiting for? You don’t have to wait for Doc Brown to show up in his DeLorean, all you have to do is sit back and play those old tunes and see where your soul wants to take you and what you need to heal.

Keep dancing!

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