Conversations with an Angel: Energy Protection
/Energy protection… Do we need it? Is it necessary? You might have seen this term floating around spiritual circles and wondered if ithis something you need to practice. Who better to get a clear answer on this than an actual energetic being like an angel?
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V: So, let’s talk about energetic protection. It’s an interesting topic and so relevant right now as many people are waking up to spirit and having all sorts of experiences.
A: And there’s a lot of fear too.
V: Yes. Lots of fear.
A: Well, what would you like to know?
V: Let’s just get right to it. Is there a need for energetic protection? I know many spiritual practitioners think so and utilize energetic protection on the daily.
A: You know my answer to this.
V: Maybe I do. I mean, I know you usually say there is no need for it. But why? Maybe you can go more into detail.
A: Well, yes, there is no need for it, BUT, and that’s a big "but," there is a need for it if you BELIEVE there is a need for it. What people don’t realize is that you create your own reality. You are all great manifestors. Great creators. You can create the most positive of experiences or the most negative. And this is so true. Because Earth is energy. What I mean by that, is energy exists all around you. It makes up the molecules in your physical existence. It makes up everything.
V: So, in essence, are you saying that since energy is everything and everything is energy, we are protecting ourselves from what we already are?
A: Yes, in a sense. Let me explain. Energy exists all around you. So, therefore, if you are feeling what you would call “bad energy” then you might want to look at how that is being created and not necessarily that the “bad energy” is just appearing out of nowhere. You see, many of you think there are evil hobgoblins of energy all over and that they like to cause havoc, but what you don’t see is how the buildup of your OWN energy is actually causing that manifestation.
V: Okay, wait. Are you saying that we are essentially creating hobgoblins of energy in our own energy?
A: Yes. But not that you are creating actual entities. They only seem like they have form because you are perceiving that. Your own fears of all the “baddies” out there is giving form to your own creation!
V: Okay, we need an example here. How does one create a bad energy form?
A: Well, just take on this example — a woman goes out for the night with her husband. This is the first night out they’ve gotten in a while. The woman wants to take the time to relax but also to talk to her husband about a few issues in their relationship that they haven’t spoken about. The husband is looking forward to a nice relaxing night and maybe a little romance. After the main course is served, the woman talks about the issues. Her husband initially listens but slowly feels as if he is caving in on himself. All he hears is what he is not doing even though that is not his wife’s intention. His attitude begins to create a little dark cloud of energy just above his head. He starts to hear in his mind all of the other negative thoughts he’s been thinking. Pretty soon, he doesn’t even hear his wife and reacts instead to all the dark thoughts in his mind. He slowly puts down his fork, looks at his wife after she pauses for a moment, and says very quietly but sternly, “I don’t want to talk about this right now.” The wife feels shut down but what she doesn’t realize is that he is overloaded with all his own negative thoughts. So they end up going home after dinner and one bad thing after the other happens to the man. He stubs his toe, he can’t find any clean clothes, the last beer has been drunk and there’s no more, the TV breaks... to him, all these things are going wrong and his mind connects it to his wife. He lashes out at her and says, “Why do you have to be so negative all the time?” She doesn’t understand where this sudden resentment is coming from and begins to feel guilty for even bringing anything up at dinner. She feels hopeless because all she wants to do is make the relationship work. This type of quiet discontent continues. Neither one really talks to the other. Bad things continue to happen around them. People come over to visit and feel the rotten energy. One of the wife’s friends who is rather intuitive comes to visit and says, “You have some bad energy in here; we need to clean it. Let’s smudge.” So they do so. Her friend also says there is a bad entity causing havoc. The wife gets scared and immediately tells her to get rid of it. She thinks that must be why all this bad stuff has been happening to them. So after a time, the house feels rather clean because the wife BELIEVES it is. But just a week later little things start going wrong again and she begins fighting with her husband. She calls up her intuitive friend who says it is now a full-on demonic possession and that they need even more people to come in and fight it. The woman feels hopeless and just wants what she now thinks is a curse removed from her home and her relationship.
V: Okay, so what is really going on then if it’s not a bad entity?
A: It’s her husband and his energy! And it’s also their energy as a couple in a relationship. All rolled into one big energy baddie that’s causing havoc. But you can’t clear it. Sure, you can try to invite a more balanced energy into your home but until you choose to create something different, then things like that will continue.
V: So what does a person do then in that situation?
A: Well, not many people do anything because they are completely unaware that it is happening and having an impact on their environment. They have no idea that they are creating bad energy around them, and by focusing in on that, they are creating these havoc-filled days.
V: Is there such a thing as “bad” energy versus “good” energy?
A: I only use these terms because that’s how you see them. There is no "bad or good" to us. Everything just is. We don’t think in terms of that’s a good experience or that is a bad experience. It just is an experience. Everything just IS to us.
V: So labeling an experience bad or good, or labeling energy bad or good, is more about our need to identify things in order to understand it?
A: Well to you, something is unwanted or wanted. Mostly, good things are wanted and bad things are unwanted.
V: Yes, most of us don’t want bad things to happen to us.
A: But what if the bad thing led to a good thing?
V: Well, in that case, the bad thing wouldn’t be so bad then.
A: But do you see how you are keeping things at arm’s distance because you think it’s bad when in reality, it’s actually a good thing?
V: Yes, I guess I can see how that is. But it still would be looked at as bad, initially. Even if it leads to a good thing.
A: Take this example — you get fired from your job. You didn’t really like the job, but it was your sole income and now you don’t know what to do in order to pay your bills. To you, this is a very bad thing. You surrender to all the doubt and bad feelings that arise because of this. You swim in the bad feelings. Nothing seems right. But you run into a friend who just got a job somewhere else and tells you they are hiring. You wouldn’t have run into this friend if you were working otherwise. So you get hired for even more pay than your last job. You also like the work environment better. You forget how much pain you went through. You are just thankful you have a job now. But what you don’t see is how the so-called “bad “ experience was actually good. That it didn’t need the label. You see, if people would just detach from these experiences and stop seeing them as bad or good, they would have less of an emotional reaction to it. Their lives would not be filled with so much turmoil.
V: It sounds like you are pushing the whole “be positive at all costs” ideology that many in the spiritual community follow. If we’re just positive about all our negative experiences then they won’t feel so bad.
A: Well, on one hand, that ideology is true, but only if you BELIEVE it to be so. Many of your viewpoints towards life and how to live it are directly tied to your beliefs. So if you believe life is better when you have a positive viewpoint rather than a negative one, then you will experience that. The problem with that belief is when you try to get others to wear the same pink sunglasses as you. It may work for you, but not for everyone. On the other hand, this type of attitude does seem to work, but what happens when it’s one bad thing after another? No one is that shiny and happy all the time. Why try to maintain such a strict attitude towards life? Either way, when you try to impose limitations on how to live your life, it makes it all the more difficult in which to actually live it.
V: I’m confused. So we’re not supposed to be happy all the time, but also we should try not to be so attached to the events that do happen to us. We also should be more aware of the energy that we create because it can cause havoc. What is it exactly that we are supposed to do?
A: Be mindful. Be exactly as you are. You don’t have to TRY so hard. Just be you. No one is saying you have to do anything. I am giving you a new way to look at life. One that actually has more control. Not that control is the thing you need. But if you just knew and realized how much of YOU is actually a part of YOUR life, you’d be surprised. You have way more control in your life than you think. You have an impact even when you think you don’t. Your energy does have an impact even if you think you are invisible. Take responsibility for that impact. Know that you bring something to the table ALWAYS. You are not like an island all on your own with no impact on others. You are not a sole isolated being. You do have an impact. So many of you don’t think you do.
V: So, basically, you are saying that we should live our lives as we see fit. Try not to get so attached, but it’s okay if we do. And that if stuff seems really bad, maybe turn our eyes inward to see what the energetic cause is — meaning how are we creating that, and not to be so scared and think that there are bad energy hobgoblins out there trying to ruin our lives.
A: Yes, exactly.
V: So in that case, no one has to smudge or practice energetic protection if they don’t want to?
A: Right. If YOU feel better when you do it, then that’s great. You are creating your own life and some people love ritual. They love using spiritual tools. But if you are one of those who doesn’t see the need for it, then you are fine. You are not attracting bad energy spirits by not smudging, burning palo santo, praying, etc. You just be you and do your thing. Let others do their thing. Do not impose your spiritual practices on someone else. You each have your own journey. What works for one, may not work for another. That’s why, if you are a spiritual seeker, you should find what resonates with you. You should not follow blindly anyone else’s doctrine.
V: I think that’s wise advice. Practicing discernment is such an important part in a person's spiritual journey.
A: Yes. You each know your own truth. Follow that. Follow what is in YOUR heart. Not necessarily what is in another’s heart. It is wonderful to find those whose message resonates with you, and to join with them and celebrate in that resonance. But know that life has many teachers. Don’t turn away from those who you resonate with, but who don’t do the same that your other teacher does. Take what resonates and leave the rest. This is the way to look at learning and even at the experiences you have in life.
Read the entire Conversations with an Angel Series
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