Spirit Guide Connection Tip: Tell Yourself a Story About Your Guide

Even if you think you don’t know your spirit guides, you do. On a soul level, you’ve always known them. When you are trying to consciously connect to them, tell yourself a story about who you think they may be.

Person writing in a journal with text overlay Spirit Guide Connection Tip Tell Yourself a Story About Your Guides

It may help to do a short 10-15 minute meditation beforehand to relax. Don’t think of this as channeling or trying to receive information from spirit. Think of it more like you are a writer telling a story and just write it out. If you prefer, you can record your story in a video or audio message. Whatever works best for your creativity. 

The questions you can ask yourself to tell their story can include:

  • What does my spirit guide look like?

  • Is my spirit guide a he/she/they?

  • Is my spirit guide human, energy, animal or something else?

  • What does my spirit guide like to do?

  • Does my spirit guide have any special interests or things they love to do?

  • Is my spirit guide funny/playful or more serious/studious or a combination of both?

  • Is my spirit guide more active or rather sedate?

As you ask yourself these questions, the answers will begin to form the story of who they are.

After answering these questions, you’ve got enough information to tell a story about them. Be creative! The story can be about an average day for them as your guide or in a past life of theirs or in an Earth environment going about an average day here. The important thing to remember is you are connecting to their energy. Everyone has an energy signature — this is how people can feel to us.

When you begin to write/record their story, don’t overthink it or question whether what you are writing is actually true or not. Stay in an open, creative mindset. Imagine yourself as a child who is writing a story. You wouldn’t shut down a child’s creativity would you? So don’t do it to yourself!

Once you’ve written the story. Get up and take a break. Go for a walk or listen to your favorite music. Eat a snack or have a cup of tea. Do whatever brings you pleasure in that moment. Let the energy of what you’ve written float around you joyously with no attachment to its validity in your mind. Enjoy and revel in the wonderful feeling of being creative!

After a few hours, come back to what you’ve written and read it as if you are reading someone’s biography. You are learning about another person. As you read, let images form in your mind. If you are less visual, pay attention to how you feel.

As you read, ask yourself:

  • Do I see a person or being forming in my imagination? Do they look similar to how they’ve been written about?

  • Is there anything else I am seeing or feeling about them?

  • Do I feel like I am connecting to someone?

  • Do I feel anything else for this person/being?

Take note within yourself whether you feel any kind of heart/soul connection to this person/being.

Go to sleep that night with the intention of waking up with some kind of awareness, feeling, intuitive knowing that you’ve connected with your spirit guide.

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Two people sit next together before a view of the ocean through a window with text overlay Connect to Your Guides Learn More

Connect to Your Guides


Vanessa Stewart Soul Guide

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