Angel Messages: Archangel Azrael Says 'Trust Your Twin Flame Connection'
/A channeled message from Archangel Azrael on the twin flame journey:
“As many of you realize there is an increased energy around those of you on the twin flame path of realization. I call it that because that is what it is. Many of you who have chosen twin flame realization are connecting with your twins whether astrally/spiritually or physically. I know for many of you this journey has been hard, fraught with a lot of tension and sometimes disbelief. But know that we are all here waiting and watching. You are not alone.
I work with many twins who are on this side of things and we often regroup and discuss things before moving forward. I am the Angel of Transformation and this journey is quite the transformation, indeed. Take heart in knowing that you are on this journey for a reason and that your soul agreed to this journey before incarnating.
I ask you to believe what your twin tells you even if it’s hard to understand. The world is limitless when you see it from our perspective. All things are real. For you though, who live with a limited perspective, it is not so. For you, it is unreal, too fantastic to comprehend. But trust your twin. They are not deceiving you or are trying to hurt you. They may blow your mind a bit with some of the things they tell you. But in the end, their main drive is to get you somewhere with your beliefs and thoughts. And where that place is... is alignment with who you truly are... with who both of you truly are. And it may just be, and you will find this out, that you are so much more than you ever thought you were. You’ve lived many lives, some with your twin and some without. You’ve played many parts with your twin as well.
You and your twin are unique. You have a unique name and soul song. Some of you love incarnating to Earth and some do not. Some of you haven’t been here in a long time. Some of you were asked to come back here and reunite in this way to increase the vibration of love on this plane of existence. Many of you are doing just that by connecting with your twin. Some of you don’t know yet where all this is going and that is just fine because sometimes you are supposed to enjoy the journey as it goes along. Others of you know that there will be a reunion of sorts and are working towards that.
There is no right or wrong way to do this journey. It is solely up to you and your twin. Many of you have friends and helpers along the path and there is a council of sorts, a very informal one, overlooking this process. It is not a serious council... it is more a group of agreed volunteers. Many twins are very experienced. They aren’t just thrown into the fire learning to hop. So even though this journey may seem hard to you, know that your soul is so experienced that its strength will get you through. You were not chosen by chance. And you did not choose this journey by chance.
When you were created long ago, you wanted to experience life from different sides. And every time you come back together after a life lived, whether it was in the physical or non-physical, you reunite with such excitement and curiosity of the other’s experience. For you know the experience will help you to expand your awareness even more.
You are always sharing your experiences with your twin. Even when you are not incarnated together. When one is incarnated the other stays close by giving the twin energy to continue the journey. We never judge our twin on their decisions in their lifetimes. We only know unconditional love. It doesn’t matter what they do because we know what they are trying to achieve and experience in that life.
Some twins actually prefer not to incarnate together, and there are those twins who prefer not to have romantic relationships. This is why the twin flame journey is so unique to each couple. There are also those twins who further split their energy into groups for a special purpose. Many of you are becoming aware of that. I know that in saying this I am creating more questions for you, but what matters the most, is that you trust YOUR twin flame connection.
The impossible is possible.
This is how you should look at your twin flame journey. You will find that this sense of openness will help you move forward with less doubt in your journey. It is time for all of you to start sharing and talking about your journeys so you can work with each other and assist each other on your paths. There will be more of you. There will be subsequent waves of twins coming together whether astrally or physically at this time. Many of you going through this journey now are energetically assisting the waves of twins coming in behind you.
This is an important journey (even a crucial one) to the overall success of the energetic shift that is occurring — that has been occurring and will be occurring for some time. You are here for a beautiful time. This is why you chose to come. Know that many of the thoughts and struggles you’ve had in your life are common among those of you on this journey. Many of you have had tough lives and are tired. But know that the tiredness you feel is also the increased energy you have to carry because of this. Also know that many of you will feel much lighter in the years to come. Things are shifting faster now than ever and we would like to thank those of you who have stayed true to your twin flame path and did not give up on your twins even when you wanted to. Try to focus more on the love of your twin when times get hard. It makes the journey all the more smoother.”
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