What's My Spirit Guide's Name?

The question I get asked the most after "How do I connect with my spirit guide?" is "What is my guide's name?"

Flower garden with text overlay help I don't know my spirit guide's name

It's natural for us to want to know the names of people we work with. After all, in our world, it's considered odd and impolite if someone doesn't offer their name when you meet them and especially if you are working with them. I mean, what are you going to call that person, "Hey, you"? It's just downright rude, isn't it?

When it comes to first connecting with your spirit team, your natural inclination is to identify your guides as you would with people – "What are their names? What do they look like? Where do they live? What's their favorite food?" – and so on.

Spirit guides, unlike us, are not fixated on the social customs of our world. Though they fully understand them (they have to!), they don't necessarily apply them to themselves unless for our benefit. When I say, "for our benefit," I mean exactly that. If it makes us feel more comfortable that they talk a certain way, dress a certain way, and look a certain way, then they will appear in whatever form we need to feel comfortable. Because their MAIN mission is to work with us, and if we are aware of their presence, well, that makes their job so much easier!

Is this the case with ALL spirit guides? No. Just like in our world, the spirit guide realm is diverse.

Some guides will appear in a way that challenges you to broaden your awareness.

Are you seeing a blue alien who says her name is Karthalia and you’re freaking out? Yep, well, Karthalia wants to see if you can handle it. But don’t be scared! Your guides are not trying to scare you away; their job is to guide you on to your soul’s highest path that is aligned with your true soul identity.

Getting back to the name thing. While many guides do offer up a name right away, some do not. The reason for this is that their name is not important to them. Whatever their charge (that's you!) wants to call them is fine with them. In this case, guides would actually prefer you pick out a name that you personally identify with.

Even if a guide does give you a name initially, you are welcome to change it.

Say your guide comes through to you during meditation with the name Daniel. You cringe because Daniel is the name of your jerk ex-boyfriend and you just can't imagine having to call your spirit guide Daniel every time you want to speak with him. It's perfectly fine and acceptable if you start calling him George or even Brad Pitt. It doesn't matter. Your guide will understand.

Or it could be your guide picked that name specifically to help you heal from a painful breakup. Whatever their reason for choosing any particular name, their main intention is to connect with us in a very real way.

Why doesn't it matter what you call your spirit guides?

Well, the thing is, spirit guides exist as a form of energy.

Moreover, their energy has a specific frequency. When you first meet your guide – whether through a dream, meditation, or an intuitive session – your extrasensory perception (yes, we all have it!) is picking up on your guide’s specific frequency. At the same time, this frequency can feel familiar to you. The reason for this is, most likely, the guide has been at your side for some time, maybe even your entire lifetime.

Spirit guides aren't the only ones with an energy frequency; everything (humans, animals, trees, even rocks!) has an energy frequency. We often think we identify people based only on our 5 senses (sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste) when we actually are aware of people on an extrasensory level too. Cool, huh?

Test it out right now:

  • Think about someone you know well. Visualize a clear image of them in your mind. Think about the details of their face and how they talk, smile, and laugh.

  • Now, think about what that person FEELS like to you – NOT how they physically feel – but what kind of thoughts or emotions come up for you when you think of them? Does their energy feel like it has a shape to it? Do you get any images of nature? For example, when you think of your best friend, their energy might feel reminiscent of a soft, cozy blanket, or you might get the image of a serene lake in the mountains and can sense their big heart and do-good attitude.

  • The images and emotions you receive will be representative of that person’s energy frequency (you could also call this their unique energy signature). You will always remember this about a person no matter how well you know them. You may forget their name, but you will never forget how their energy feels.

To put this into a real-world context, you can see this energetic connection occurring between mothers and their children. Moms seem to have special radar when it comes to their children. They often have the uncanny ability to pinpoint exactly where their child is at any given time and are easily able to find him or her in a crowded auditorium. This phenomenon is often referred to as mother’s intuition, in other words, extrasensory perception. Moms across the world are homing in on their child’s energy frequency.

So, don’t get so frustrated if you are trying to connect with your spirit team and you aren’t getting any names. If you do get a name, that’s great! If not, any name you give them is perfectly fine. The name you choose to call your spirit guide is inconsequential because you are connecting to their energy frequency and not to their name.

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