Conversations with an Angel: Intuitive Development

By having conversations with your spiritual guides, you can learn so much. Talking this way enables you to ask questions and understand what can be difficult concepts for the human mind to grasp. Learning how to channel your guides takes time and commitment but as you continue on your intuitive development journey, you’ll find it is more of a meeting-of-the-minds process than it is one of divine intervention. Our guides want to talk to us and they will do that in whatever way we feel comfortable. I like conversations as if chatting with a good friend and that is how I’ve developed my own intuition over the years.

In this conversation, my angel friend and I discuss intuitive development and how someone can best go about that if they are new to the concept. Even if you are well on your way to developing your intuition, you will find an angel’s interpretation a nice addition to your journey!

Text overlay conversations with an angel intuitive development on a pink purple white background

V: I thought of this the other day: “There is no separation between you and spirit.” What do you think of that?

A: I think it’s correct. But to put it another way, think of yourself as the hand and your spirit as the glove.

V: Wait. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? The soul is the hand and the human self is the glove.

A: I like my way better. So think of yourself, your human body, as the hand, and your spirit as the glove. Now think of yourself slipping off that hand and floating around until it finds another hand.

V: Ah, okay. I like your way better too.

A: Yes, so think of yourself as the spiritual glove able to fit whatever hand it chooses.

V: So how does that apply to there being no separation between you and spirit?

A: Simply put, that there is always a hand and always a glove. 

V: Go on…

A: Well, when you think about it and please, ponder it deeply, was there ever NOT a hand and a glove?

V: I would think there wasn’t such a thing before the process of incarnation ever existed.

A: Hmm… but wouldn’t God be the original glove and angels the hand?

V: Interesting. I guess you could put it that way. So how does that play into the process of developing one’s own intuition?

A: By not making it a there-or-here concept. You see, intuitive development is like learning a skill as so many practitioners put it. It is like learning to play the piano. But it is actually more like remembering your being. So if you think of yourself, your everlasting and enduring spirit, as a glove and your human form as just one of many hands, you realize that you are already intuitively developed. You just don’t call it that. Many of you, think you are not intuitive when in actuality, you are using your ‘sixth sense’ as you call it, every day. People just call it “a gut feeling” when it is really an empathic clairsentience — it is spirit recognizing the energy, the soul, of another being.

V: So we are all already intuitive.

A: Yes! You are all intuitive because you are spiritual beings. You just happen to be not calling it that. You focus, and learn to focus, only on the physical attributes of your reality. Anything non-physical is usually labeled as imagination. But imagination is very much a part of the intuitive process.

V: Tell me more about that.

A: Your imagination leads you through into the realm of spirit. It is similar to a doorway. When you are imagining, you are accessing higher parts of yourself, your consciousness, which allows spirit to tap back, essentially creating a bridge of connection. It is your ability to create these bridges that allow you to channel or connect with your guides and loved ones in spirit. All you must do is allow it to be real and not question it to death. A little skepticism is always good in practice but not in theory. Be curious. Be an experimenter. But don’t shoot the chicken down with the chicken house so-to-speak.

V: What about people who are not good at using imagination? What can they do to bridge the connection?

A: Walking. Physical. People who are not so much in their head and visualizing but still desire to have a connection with spirit, would do better by feeling into it on a physical basis. Walking in nature as nature represents your connection as humans to spirit. Spirit is all around you, all of the time. People have forgotten that. It is in your trees, your birds, even the grass you mow once a week on Saturdays. Spirit is there. You only have to open your spiritual eyes to see and your heart to feel.

V: People often talk about opening their “third eye” (meaning their clairvoyance) in order to connect. What do you think about that?

A: I think that can happen naturally. It must not be forced. Some people are just not “third eye” people and what I mean by that, is their intuitive power is in some other (Clair) sense, maybe their heart as a healer or their legs as a runner or their hands as a ceramist. Not everyone has to become a clairvoyant. When I said to open your spiritual eyes, I did not mean your third eye exactly but to just be open to spirit around you. To consider the possibility that you are more than human and that spirit is in everything.

V: So in order to develop intuitively, you don’t recommend specifically focusing on the third eye?

A: Not if that isn’t your nature. I feel that a natural process that is aligned with your own energetic makeup, your own individual energy is the best way to go. Someone who is naturally creative in the arts already has an open third eye whereas someone who is more naturally aligned to the corporate business arena might be more socially oriented or intellectually oriented and may have a harder time sitting in meditation and visualizing. 

V: Well is there a one-way-fits-all methodology?

A: Recognizing your inner spirit. However you do that is up to you, but by recognizing yourself as the spiritual being that you are, you are opening up your intuition. 

V: By opening up to one’s intuition, what do we mean here? Are we talking about the Clair-senses or are we talking more about an overall sense?

A: Well this is just a doorway. Opening up your intuition leads to a greater understanding of yourself and the reality in which you love. This is just a stepping stone. I think opening up your intuition leads you down a much longer road of questioning your reality, which if it doesn’t, you are only really going halfway. So opening up your intuition, is just the first bit of the entire process of becoming a soul-realized being where you know who you are and why you are here.

V: Would you say that as you seek for a deeper understanding of yourself as a soul, a spiritual being, that your intuitive abilities would naturally open up along that journey?

A: Yes, definitely and this makes me think of many of your Biblical stories about people walking through the desert to find themselves and a deeper sense of union with spirit. “You seek and you shall find” because a seeker’s journey does inevitably open up one’s own intuition. 

V: We keep saying “opening” I’ve noticed. 

A: I don’t think that is a coincidence. It’s meaningful. Both of us know that it is like opening a can with a can opener. It takes a bit of effort, no?

V: Yes, and then sometimes when you’ve cut the lid it falls back into the can and you have to fish it out.

A: Yes, that is true! So even though you think you are done opening the can, there is still some more work to do! This is often the case with any path of self-realization. You think you are done, but yet there is more.

V: You know, that makes me think about how developing one’s intuition is not a one-sided process, there is also the healing part of it. Because as anyone who is on a spiritual journey knows, you are not just communing with spirit, you are also facing your inner self and any pain that you carry.

A: Yes. This is true. So intuitive development is not just about developing an inner sight to see, feel, touch spirit, it is also developing this inner sight to recognize yourself and your inner self.

V: You wanted to say “inner shadows” but you changed it. Why?

A: I try to use common nomenclature so those who read this will understand what I mean, but I do not like to refer to anything as darkness. Not anymore. Not in this inner age. I think all of us angels are moving away from that dichotomy in how we communicate with you. If you are not already seeing that now, you will begin to see it in popular culture. There is no inner darkness that you must remove to get to your inner light. You are just LIGHT. That is all.

V: Simple.

A: Yes, simply LIGHT. I know that shadow work is a very popular concept among many of you right now and we applaud anyone who is going on the deep journey of healing but at some point, you must realize that shadows are still light, no? There is never any true darkness. 

V: So are you saying that shadow work is unnecessary?

A: No. I am saying it is a choice. A path. One of many. It really depends on the individual and what they seek. If it is healing and true catharsis, it can be a good path for them. But like all paths, it is problematic. It can be limiting for those who stay on that path too long. There are many roads one can take to realize their true self and their soul potential. But if you stay on any one path too long, you tend to get blinded to the offshoots into other realms of understanding and healing.

V: I see. We’re getting deep now.

A: Yes, we are. I do not mean at all to say shadow work is an outdated concept or that being of the light is the right way — I am aware that there is an argument between these two camps in how they approach “spirituality.”

V: You so want to get into this argument (in the spiritual community about the need for shadow work to balance out light work) and I am like I don’t want to touch this with a ten-foot pole.

A: Well, it is a discussion that must be had. And it plays into the role of intuitive development as a healing process.

V: True. So are you saying shadow work and intuitive development go hand in hand?

A: Yes, but any kind of healing path goes hand in hand with intuitive development. 

V: Yes, I agree. But I think your larger point is that one shouldn’t get stuck in cyclical shadow work or healing.

A: I am saying that at one point, one should realize that you are “healed” and you always have been.

V: That is deep.

A: You are always spirit. Would you say the spirit is unhealed?

V: Even deeper. You are just dropping the wisdom bombs tonight.

A: Yes. Here’s another one: You are not broken and never were.

V: Oh boy, BOOM! Lol That makes me think about how when we are born, we come out of the womb naturally intuitive. Many of us are still connected to spirit and our spirit guides. Many of us remember seeing spirit and interacting with our guides.

A: Yes.

V: And then it all goes away at some point. Maybe when we’re first told it’s not real and we realize that we are weird or when we first go to school and see the other kids not interacting with spirit that way.

A: Yes, or some of you were shamed by those you love.

V: Yes. And now many of us are trying to get back to that state many years later. Some of us even well past our mid-point in life. Why is that?

A: Because you remember. And this is a time for remembering.

V: What is the most important thing to keep in mind when developing your intuition?

A: That you are spirit. That this is a part of you. That you have always been intuitive. 

V: I think just knowing that and accepting it takes a person far, no?

A: I agree. It’s not so much about developing this chakra or that chakra, or sitting in a meditation pose for an hour, or listening to this hertz over that… let’s put away those tools for a moment, and just address the real issue here — BELIEF. Belief in oneself. Belief that you are a spiritual being. Belief that the spiritual realm is a part of who you are. You are not trying to build a rocket and go to Mars, that is a feat of its own. This is not that. You are simply sitting back into yourself and remembering, “Oh, this is who I am and always have been!”

V: Yeah, that is a pretty big awakening moment, and just in that realization a lot of other myths about life that you thought were true come to the surface. Talk about wandering the desert… You can get lost in that for years.

A: Yes, but let’s not get lost like that… not for too long. There is a huge community now for people to find their way with this.

V: Yes, but a lot of information out there is misinformation.

A: True. There are those who think they are helping but are not. Even though all paths are true. There are just some techniques that tend to hinder people rather than benefit them.

V: For example?

A: Focusing on one part of the brain to become intuitive without a holistic understanding of who you all are as spiritual beings. It has the tendency to tap into one’s fear and can cause disruptions in one’s psyche. But as you know and are well aware, it is one’s choice to take that path. But it tends to be troublesome and hindering to one’s overall spiritual awakening. 

V: Some people might argue with you.

A: I know. But I feel a more holistic path to intuitive development is beneficial and shorter.

V: So what would be your step-by-step methodology to intuitive development?


  1. Remembering who you are: You are a soul, a spirit, not just a human with limitations. You are a limitless spiritual being… feel into that deeply.

  2. Remembering who you are not: You are not your patterns and behaviors. These are adaptations/coping mechanisms you have created in order to survive physicality. You do not need to cut these out or get rid of them, simply become aware that they are coping mechanisms and work with them, love yourself, and forgive yourself.

  3. Understand that as a spiritual being you are inherently connected to spirit and all that entails, meaning you can still communicate with spirit.

  4. Opening up the bridge to communication using your own strengths, developing your own method of communication whether that is by using your imagination through visualization, connecting to nature, creating art/music/writing, or through physical dance/walking.

  5. Stop the doubt: Stop doubting your experiences and/or comparing them to others’ experiences. Your connection to spirit is your own and will be unique to you. While learning from others can be helpful, they don’t hold every key to your spiritual connection. Have discernment, and know that you have autonomy when it comes to HOW you best connect to spirit.

  6. Let LOVE dictate your connection, not fear: Fear does not belong in the connection process. Fear is a misnomer. There is nothing to fear. People who tell you there is something to be afraid of when connecting to spirit, have not yet dealt with their own inner fears. Spirit is love. Plain and simple. If you are still dealing with fear, focus on love and know love is the only thing that receives you when connecting to spirit. 

V: Is that it? Is that your best step-by-step methodology for developing your intuition?

A: I think, at this time, yes. This is the best, in my opinion, for where the majority of people are at in this current time stream. It could change as more people connect in this way. 

V: I think we’re at the end of this conversation. Any last thoughts?

A: I think that everyone is so brave. To open up now when so many are still dismissing this as illusion is extremely challenging. Those of you who are delving into this blossoming of the consciousness are so very brave. Keep going!

V: Thank you!

A: Until next time, then.

Read the entire Conversations with an Angel Series

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