Dropping Expectations When Working with Your Spirit Guides

We live in a society that often demands immediate results. If something takes more than five minutes and requires some effort, many of us are pretty much done at that point. "This is too hard," we moan, "Ugh, I don't have time for this."

This common gotta-have-it-now perspective is impeding our spiritual growth and connection to our spirit teams. We expect our guides to show up in miraculous ways – bonk us on the head to get our attention or appear in full form and tell us what we need to know or even what we SHOULD do, which is a big no-no!

Why? Because free will.

While sometimes those big things do happen, most of the time, guidance from our spirit team is subtle, quiet, and nondescript. It can come through by a feeling, or hearing a song, or seeing the same number sequence on a clock three days in a row.

When we ask our guides a question, we expect an answer to come to us a certain way and sound a certain way. We do this with people, so why not with our guides too, right?

Well, guides aren't people. They might have been a person at some time but some of them might never have been people at all. So why do we expect them to be like that?

Desert landscape with text overlay dropping expectations when working with your spirit guides

This is where you need to stretch your frame of reference. Stretch it as wide as the universe. Stretch it through other dimensions. How would you, as a human, communicate with a being who had no voice box or material body – an energetic multidimensional being like a spirit guide?

How do you think they might go about getting a message across to you?

One great way would be through energy! It makes sense, right? They are energy; we are energy; everything's energy!

You know what else is energy? Thoughts! Yes, those things we have a million of every single day. Thoughts are a form of energy. Those brilliant ideas that just pop into your head are energy!

Let's look at it from a spirit guide's perspective –

Imagine you are an energetic multidimensional being who has a job as a guide to a human. You want to communicate with your human in their current material plane of existence (which is quite dense and not nearly as fluid as where you live). You need to get your message across as efficiently as possible. What do you do?

Well, first, you'd find a commonality between you and your human. You see the person and their material form, but you also see their spirit and energetic form. You watch as little blips of energy in the form of thoughts release from their being like little sparkly clouds.

"Oh! I got it," you say to yourself, "I'll communicate with thought! With ideas!”

You know all those thoughts and ideas you get throughout the day? Have you ever wondered if all of those are really your own? You ever think perhaps some of those, maybe even a lot of those are not your own, but actually a form of guidance from your spirit team?

Consider this –

So, you, as a spirit guide begin to send thoughts to your human. Maybe your human is having issues with self-worth and you want to help her. So you start to send ideas like, "Love yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself. Stop comparing." Maybe there's the perfect book one of your spirit guide co-workers helped their human write, that you think would be PERFECT to help your human heal her self-worth issues.

But how do you get her to the bookstore? Or look on online? Or even hear about the book or take notice that it even exists?

What a quandary!

"How do I get my message across?" – This is a challenge spirit guides face EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

And when they finally get their message across? That moment of realization they see come across our face? What would you do? Rejoice! That's right, they rejoice! They experience JOY in the fact that it got through to us. No matter how small we might think the message actually is; for them, it's a slam-dunk.

Woman raises her hands in joy

Your spirit guides feel joy when they get their message across to you


They get just as excited as we would if we were in a foreign country where we didn't speak the language and someone finally understood our desperate attempt to ask where the bathroom is.

Guides don't really care if you attribute the message to them or yourself. That's not how they roll. They are there in service. There's no ego about their job. They are not there for accolades or pay raises. It's all about servicing your journey and theirs.

Because don't think you are the only one growing here. They are too. Helping you helps them grow too. Their spirit is expanding the same as yours.

Maybe they have a bit more experience than you do, maybe not. They definitely have a wider awareness of well... everything. But that doesn't mean you can't learn more about their perspective – how they see the world, you, and the universe. You can know this and feel this yourself.

How, you ask? It's called GOING WITHIN.

Yes, you've probably heard about this concept. You might have even rolled your eyes upon hearing it and are sick of hearing it all the time. But it's a true, very real, and incredibly helpful concept. You could even say it's profound due to how it affects your perception of EVERYTHING.

How do you go within? There is a multitude of ways. You can make it as complicated or as simple as you want.

One way is to get quiet and listen to your heart. You can do this through meditation or a walk in the park, but it can be as simple as sitting down comfortably and letting your mind sort of drift away with all its chatter. When it finally quiets down, dive within this silence. You can dive as deep as you want.

Don't be afraid to explore or just float there basking in that comfortable space. It can hold you in a warm embrace if you let it. It can also heal you. It may even open doors you didn't even know existed. Doors to yourself and all that you are. Doors to your spirit team too.

Don’t fear this depth of space within yourself. This is as natural to who you are as a tree's roots growing in the earth. It is a part of who you are.

The next time you connect with your spirit team, remember to drop your human-based expectations and remain open to your guide's perspective. They are working with you, but you have to meet them half way. This means working on your own awareness and being prepared for messages to come through in a way that's more intuitive than physical.

Do you have a question about this post or about spirit guides in general? Drop me an email or leave a comment below!

Happy connecting!

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