Angel Messages: Archangel Michael Says 'Be the Divine Being That You Are'

This channeled message from Archangel Michael was one I received in 2015. It came to me during the time I felt the guided inspiration to create this website and continue my mediumship on a more professional level than what I was doing at the time. Originally posted on Facebook, it recently came to my attention on my Facebook Memories. As I strive to continue to provide informative content on this site, I thought to post it here. It’s still relevant today and remains one of the most powerful messages I have received from spirit.

A message from Archangel Michael: 

“To all who think they are nothing: YOU are EVERYTHING

You are the sky, the trees, the birds that fly above your heads. You are the stream flowing swiftly through the landscape of your lives. You are the seeker. You are the sought. You are the creators. The lovers.

Those who are deemed unsuccessful or lacking, are really the dreamers needed in today's world to overcome the depth of solitude you all feel. The environment seeks to encompass all the world's feelings of loss and mirrors the pain felt deep inside. But if you shift your perceptions and focus on the love and beauty of the world and within you all, everything will mirror your new beliefs based in love.

Power resides in each and every one of you. You are not POWERLESS. Love overcomes all and brings swift changes. Take heart, and know that all who reside on Earth are loved and protected. There is no need to fear. Life is just a small glimpse into the real possibilities of your existence.

Archangel Michael resplendent in blue and gold stands in profile against a blue backdrop

Archangel michael says ‘Be the divine being that you are’


You are all immortal beings. Death is but a passage into another dimension. Nothing and no one is ever lost. Your loved ones are still very much with you.

The true power of life is that you can overcome the pain you create within yourself. Your reactions, your sensitivities are what drives you, propels you to your desired futures. Even if the desire is not what you think you want. You always have the power to change realities. Even when you think you do not.

Beliefs dictate what you experience. Change your beliefs, change your life. Those who shift into their true selves, realize how life can really be. This is why many of you love originality. You see yourselves, your true selves reflected back at you. You see how it can be done, and you honor it. Though some of you still reflect hate towards the different ones, that is only your own fear showing itself. The fear that your own beliefs are wrong, that whatever foundation you have built your life upon must change.

Bright streaks of light with text overlay Be the divine being that you are

The ego is a funny thing. While often needed to navigate the everyday dense reality of living like you currently are, the ego is something to work with, not something that should dictate how you live, how you react, how you love or don't love.

However you can understand what and who you truly are...find that method.

Live who you truly are.

The divine, powerful, loving being that you are. Show us your light. Everyone has this light, is this light. Show us your light and blind us with your capabilities. Your love. Your excitement. Because this is what can change the world. This will change the world. The more of you who recognize who you truly are will shine so bright that a wave of light will cover everything and everyone. Be the divine being that you are."


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