Conversations with an Angel: Energy Vortexes

For those of you who don’t know, I channel spirit. I also have a special connection to the angelic realm. A realm that all of us on Earth are a part of. Many of you, too, can learn to communicate with spirit (including angels!) if you have the desire. You just have to be open to it. They will come to you. I have learned so much from talking with my spirit friends, and I’d like to start sharing these conversations with you. I hope that you will find them as helpful and fascinating as I do! This is the beginning of a Angel Conversations series, and this conversation is the first installment.

Desert bluffs sit against a starry night sky with text overlay Conversations with an Angel Energy vortexes

To give you some background, my angel friend and I were having a discussion about certain so-called spiritual centers around the world. Places where many people go to take spiritual classes, do energy healing, learn about meditation, crystal healing and the like. Places like Sedona, Arizona. When my angel friend said to me suddenly, “A lot of spirituality is arbitrary,” I was taken aback by that comment, and it started the rest of this conversation.

V: Would you explain what you mean by saying, “A lot of spirituality is arbitrary”?

A: Sure. I’ve told you this before though. That a lot of what you think is spiritual is just a bunch of concepts passed down from the old world. To someone like me, it’s like a bunch of children playing with toys. Their eyes are big and round and they are oohing and aahing at these delightful things, but have no blooming idea what to do with them. So they play with them in an arbitrary way. Not understanding the true complexity of them. So, to me, what you call spirituality or new age-ism, is just playtime. It’s just a bunch of people willy-nilly exploring their nature. Which is great and all. I’d compare it to the sexual revolution of the 1960s where people felt free to explore themselves in so many ways. This New Age movement is the same. There is so much information out there that one gets lost and there are so many contradictory views. Nothing is systematic. There is not a systematic approach to this.

V: But why does it have to be systematic?

A: It doesn’t. But you don’t know until you try.

V: What does that mean?

A: That everything has a purpose. Those gridlines in Sedona, those “vortexes” as you call them. You said you’d like to explore them with me. Why? I know what they are for. And they aren’t for going and relaxing and hiking around.

V: Okay... are you going to tell me what they are then?

A: Energy centers of the Earth. They lie on a grid point. This grid can be seen from our dimension. They are used for communication. And that’s all. The reason they feel “funny” to people is because there is an accumulation of energy there. But all it is, to us at least, is a loudspeaker. But to you, it becomes these woo-woo places to heal or “feel the energy” and stuff like that. These are not places to be visited and honored. They just are. 

V: Some people are feeling healed and balanced, though, at these places.

A: You can feel healed and balanced in your backyard. There is no need to visit an energy center.

V: I see that you are showing me an energetic grid that lies just above the Earth with what looks like energetic funnels that dip down into Earth. Are these the vortexes?

A: Yes. They are all over the world.

V: Then why are there so many in Sedona? 

A: It only seems like there are so many. 

V: Well, no one place I know of has that many concentrated in one area.

A: Really? Because I know many. For example, take Los Angeles. Do you know how many are there?

V: No.

A: More than Sedona.

V: Then why do they seem to stand out more in Sedona than in Los Angeles?

A: Because in Sedona, you have a lot of people that can see and feel energy who are concentrated in a small town. And that’s why. In Los Angeles, most people just skip by them because they are too busy to notice, but they’re there.

V: What are these energy centers used for?

A: Mostly communication. But also sending off energy packets.

V: Okay, what are energy packets? Are these little energy gifts, haha.

A: Kind of, but not really. The energy packets are encoded information dropped into your atmosphere so they may connect with other energy packets dropped elsewhere and then connect all around the Earth along the grid line.

V: And what do these do? What are they affecting?

A: You and everything else on Earth.

V: In what way?

A: An energetic way.

V: Why are you being coy?

A: I’m not. At least I don’t think so. You’re the one thinking there is some hidden agenda here.

V: Can you give me an overarching explanation of what these energy packets do and why it is necessary for them to even come through?

A: We’ve always done that. It’s a way of managing the energy of Earth and all its inhabitants. It’s not a nefarious thing. It is a way to calm the upset. It is a way to balance people’s emotions.

V: Is it also a way to instigate bad emotions and even war?

A: No. Why would we even do that? You don’t need us to help you start a war. You do well enough on your own.

V: I guess what I’m saying is that a lot of people would disagree that there is any balancing going on because it seems to a lot of us that things are only getting worse.

A: Yes, because you perceive that to be so. You think it’s getting worse because that is what you choose to see. That is what is playing on your news stations and what you read about. But it’s not that bad. There is still so much love and honor and jubilation going around. You just don’t pay attention to it. If you did, and your perception was homed in on that, your news stations would tell a completely different story.

V: Can you give me an example of what there would be a need for an energy packet to be sent through these vortexes/energy centers?

A: When the scales have been tipped ever so far and the need arises, then one would be calculated to have just the right effect to balance it out, sent through from our side to yours and dispersed as I have explained to you.

V: Is this how vortexes/energy centers also act as communication centers?

A: Yes, but a little differently. How we communicate through them is with telepathy. So those who can pick it up, will.

V: But isn’t telepathy energetic communication?

A: Yes, this is all energy. But this is direct communication. The energy packets I spoke of, affect the energetic balance of the world. You can’t do that through telepathy. This is not mind-control. This is for those who will pick it up and then distribute it to others.

V: So these are communications? Like mass communication?

A: In a way. Let me explain. When you hear in your mind “things will be okay” you are picking up on these mass communications. 

V: So it’s just another way to calm people?

A: Yes, in a way.

V: I can’t share this with people. They will think this sounds like manipulation.

A: It is in a way. But not nefarious.

V: No, maybe not. But people will think so. Like, “keep the little people calm so we can do these bad things to them.” Or to stop people from seeing the truth. Like brainwashing them into thinking things are okay when they are not.

A: It’s nothing of the sort. I know that it may sound like it to those who live in a fear bubble. And a lot of that is going around. So many people are in fear. And what do fearful people do? They kill each other. They do crazy things. They blow people’s heads off for knocking on their door. We don’t want that. You don’t want that. So that’s when we send an energy packet, to essentially cool people’s jets. 

V: But does it work? It seems like it’s not.

A: You’d be surprised.

V: So does that mean that we just can’t handle ourselves without intervention? Are we just crazy out-of-control beings who need to be controlled in a way? 

A: You are like children to us. It’s the same if you all gave a snack to some hangry toddlers. 

V: That sounds so demeaning.

A: It’s not meant to be demeaning. It is just the way it is. I don’t mean any offense. But it is how we see it. We love you. We just don’t want to see you destroy yourselves. 

V: I still don’t know how I feel about this.

A: I know. It’s a hard pill to swallow. What do you think angels do, exactly? Do you think we sit by the golden gates and play our harps all day? There is work over here, too, you know. We take care of our brethren. We have to. We created you. There is an obligation here, for us, but also a deep love towards you.

V: On one hand, it’s really nice to think we are well watched over. On the other hand, it feels like we are children on the playground fighting each other.

A: There’s nothing wrong with that. Every world in which beings like you exist went through something similar. It’s just a matter of growth. It’s neither good nor bad. We don’t see it that way. We see things as a matter of energetic balance. Once it tips too much to one side, we intervene.

V: You intervene?

A: What I mean by that is we intervene energetically. You all create your own realities. We are not here to save you. Nonetheless, we do help in more ways than one. And I know you’re asking, “Why didn’t you help then or then or then?” in reference to certain times in your existence. But what you don’t see, is that we are not here to control you. You do these things. People make choices every day. They make choices to get up and go to work and be a good person or not be a good person. People choose to kill, or people choose to love. To us, it is all a part of your existence. If you want to change it, then you can. There is no one stopping you from that but yourselves. 

V: Some people would argue that there are evil demonic forces at work or even evil ETs who are making all these wars happen and that we don’t have any control. What would you say to that?

A: That is a fairy tale. You are creating villains where there are none. You are creating fantasies of intergalactic wars where there are none. No one is out to get you. No one is fighting over the human race. We are not out here trying to control your world. There is nothing of the sort happening. People want to believe in these things because it is easier that way. It is easier to believe there is a boogeyman than to believe that your neighbor who you’ve known for 6 years broke bad and decided to kill someone out of cold blood. You can’t conceptualize what would make a person do that, so you invent demons who took the guy’s consciousness over and made him kill. But it was him who chose that. And if you were to look deep enough into his psyche you would see why he chose to do that. Did he have to choose that? Was that a contract? Not necessarily. There are choices. Not everything is contracted. You can choose to be a killer or a good neighbor. It is up to you. Your life is your own. Live it well.

Read the entire Conversations with an Angel Series

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