Angels Are Not So Different Than Us
/Angels exist just outside the realm we currently exist in. Realms are vibrational planes of existence — not necessarily physical places in the way we think of them. It’s not like angels exist in New York City and we exist in Los Angeles. They exist side by side with us. If we want to interact with them, all we need to do is ask — how we ask is just by setting the intention to interact with them.
Angels Are More Like Us Than We Think
Angels are not the Other — what that means is they are not so different than us. We tend to think of angels as these very high vibrational celestial beings who are so far above us that they are untouchable and unreachable — even, in a sense, better than us. But that is way more about the judgment we hold for ourselves and all of humanity than it is about what angels really are. For angels are actually more like us than we think.
The Vibrational Plane of Love That Angels Exist In
This may surprise you, but angels have emotions just like us.
The only difference is that they exist in a realm/vibrational plane that supports them to act from a state of love. We, as humans on Earth, exist in a vibrational plane that is experimental. Our realm/vibrational plane offers us the broad spectrum of experiences in which we have the ability to act from states of fear, hate, compassion, or love. We all have a choice — even angels. It is just easier for angels to act from a state of love and compassion because of the realm/vibrational plane in which they exist.
When we cross over after our time spent here in physical life, we too, join that realm/vibrational plane that offers us the same support of love. This is why so many people who have had near death experiences describe feeling a sense of utter bliss and love because they have gone home to that realm/vibrational plane from which we are all from. This is also why people describe not carrying the emotions of anger or hate with them as they cross over. They are healed because their souls now reside in a realm/vibrational plane of love.
Being Human Is Being Angelic — The Importance of Making Conscious Choices
This is not to say that the vibration of love does not exist with us here on Earth. We can certainly choose to exist in a state of love here but many of us do not for several reasons. Since we all have free will, we can choose to feel a number of emotions, act on them, and even create suffering for ourselves and others by holding onto to those emotions that cause us pain. We do have the ability, just like angels, to reach higher states of consciousness that give us the ability to surpass those painful emotions.
How we can do that is by becoming more aligned with who we really are — true divine spiritual beings.
That does not mean we have to give up being human. It means that we no longer need to carry the judgment that being human is bad because being human IS being angelic and vice versa. We are not trying to reach the state of being angelic or high vibrational, rather, we are already angelic in the sense that, like angels, we have the choice. It is just harder for us because the realm/vibrational plane that we currently exist in does not fully support us to stay in a state of love and compassion. But as we grow, and rediscover our true identities, the vibration of our realm will grow with us. This does not mean that we have to be overtly spiritual or have to give up drinking martinis. It just means that we must make more conscious choices in how we feel and react to our emotions.
The Shift in Vibrational Planes and Becoming More of Who We Really Are
Angels, our spirit guides, and all of life in the universe are with us on this change. It is a massive shift that is occurring and has been occurring for some time.
We are in the midst of something remarkable and beautiful.
Many of us have chosen to be here during this time to be a part of this shift, but mainly, it’s not so much about physically shifting our vibrational plane as it is about us becoming more of who we really are. Just by doing that, we allow others around us to become more of who they truly are and so on. It’s like a domino effect. Little by little, change occurs just by one person sharing their light. This is why when you come across channeled messages from angels, star beings, and spirit guides, it’s much of the same — be the light that you are. Because they know that is the key to true change.
The Playful and Humorous Side of Angels — Breaking Misjudgments and Release of Judgement
Angels have a sense of humor. They like to laugh and play. Some even swear and like to tell dirty jokes. It is us who judge these typical “human” attributes as negative, not angels. An angel will never judge these behaviors because they, too, enjoy them. It is us who set up such a misjudgment of what it is to be a so-called “good” human. When we realize this, it takes a load off, doesn’t it? And that is just what angels wish for us to feel — more relaxed about being just who we are.
Take the judgment you carry for yourself and release it.
Know that if someone is judging you, this is them reflecting back to you that you are judging (whether it’s towards yourself or another) and also a lesson for them that they are judging themselves. Angels want us to know that they realize and understand how difficult it is to be ourselves when the energy around us doesn’t support us. This is why it is so important to create that energy for ourselves and you can do that simply by being yourself and finding love for yourself in all ways. The more of us who do this, the more we will see an overall shift in the vibration of our realm. Believe in who you are and whence you came. Know that angels are not hard-to-reach celestial beings who don’t understand nor can relate to humanity, for they do and always will. It is a part of who they are just as we are a part of them.
You may enjoy this article’s companion piece: Conversations with an Angel: How are Humans and Angels Alike?
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