Angels Are Not So Different Than Us

Angels Are Not So Different Than Us

Angels are not the Other — what that means is they are not so different than us. We tend to think of angels as these very high vibrational celestial beings who are so far above us that they are untouchable and unreachable — even, in a sense, better than us. But that is way more about the judgment we hold for ourselves and all of humanity than it is about what angels really are. For angels are actually more like us than we think.

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Spirit Guide Connection Tip: Believe

Spirit Guide Connection Tip: Believe

A big part of connecting to your spirit guides is about belief. If you believe you can, you will. If you believe it’s easy, it will be. If you believe in their love for you, you will feel it. So, that sounds great and all, but how do you get to that point? Well, you have to believe in yourself. In who you are. In your soul.

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Angel Messages: Archangel Michael Says 'Be the Divine Being That You Are'

Angel Messages: Archangel Michael Says 'Be the Divine Being That You Are'

This channeled message from Archangel Michael was one I received in 2015. It’s still relevant today and remains one of the most powerful messages I have received from spirit.

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Interview with Intuitive Artist Dana Grozdanova

Interview with Intuitive Artist Dana Grozdanova

Dana Grozdanova is an Intuitive Artist who connects with her clients' energy and spirit guides to create a unique, hand-drawn picture and channeled message. Find out more about her and her creative process in this interview.

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Conversations with an Angel: Energy Protection

Conversations with an Angel: Energy Protection

Energy protection… Do we need it? Is it necessary? You might have seen this term floating around spiritual circles and wondered if ithis something you need to practice. Who better to get a clear answer on this than an actual energetic being like an angel?

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Conversations with an Angel: Energy Vortexes

Conversations with an Angel: Energy Vortexes

Find out what an angel has to say about energy vortexes and what they are used for. This is the first installment in a series of spirit conversations.

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How to Trust Your Spirit Guide Connection

How to Trust Your Spirit Guide Connection

Not trusting your connection to your spirit team makes the entire process of actually connecting so difficult! It’s easy for someone to tell you, “Hey, just trust it and go with the flow.” BUT — “How can I trust in something so weird, so strange, so out-of-this-world that it’s not taught in school or even widely accepted by society? How can I even do THIS?” you ask.

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Dropping Expectations When Working with Your Spirit Guides

Dropping Expectations When Working with Your Spirit Guides

We live in a society that often demands immediate results. This gotta-have-it-now perspective impedes our connection to our spirit teams. How can we drop our expectations and learn to work with our guides?

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High Vibration versus Low Vibration: What's the difference?

High Vibration versus Low Vibration: What's the difference?

Many of us get confused when it comes to comparing high vibration to low vibration, which is natural because we live in a world of both extremes. While many members of the spiritual community label anything low vibrational as bad, it really isn't when you look at the vibrational spectrum as a whole.

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Vibrational Frequency: What is it exactly?

Vibrational Frequency: What is it exactly?

How does vibrational frequency relate to a person's energy signature? Do spirit guides have a vibrational frequency?

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What's My Spirit Guide's Name?

What's My Spirit Guide's Name?

Are you struggling to figure out your spirit guide's name?

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Are Spirit Guides Real?

Are Spirit Guides Real?

If you’ve ever wondered if spirit guides are real, then it’s a good chance you’ve already suspected they might be. Perhaps you’ve even felt yours around you. If you need more convincing, read ahead to see what the spirit guide realm has to say.

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